Amazon, ASDA Reduce 3DS to £202

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.01.2011 11

Amazon, ASDA Reduce 3DS to £202 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The price wars continue, with retailers shedding the pounds with 3DS pre-orders continuing to hover around the £200 mark.

Last week some retailers posted limited-time deals that came in at around £190-£200, and now major UK retailer Amazon has set the two 3DS colours at £202 each. Pricing for software falls around the £34-40 mark.

Supermarket chain ASDA has also followed suit by setting the standard console at £217, with a £15 reduction using the coupon code 15OFF3DS.

Have you pre-ordered your Nintendo 3DS? Or will you be waiting till after launch/nearer the time?

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15!=120 (guest) 27.01.2011#1

>with a �£20 reduction using the coupon code 15OFF3DS.
It's not rocket-science...

Hopefully will follow suit with the € price which is currently quite a bit higher than the UK price. Smilie

15!=120 (guest) said:
>with a ��£20 reduction using the coupon code 15OFF3DS.
It's not rocket-science...

Sorry, was very tired when I wrote this.
Ah, the arrogance of youth!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
15etc (guest) 27.01.2011#4

yeah, me too.
sorry it sounded like i was being an ass.

Honestly I hope the US gets deals like this, so far I've only heard of price cuts in Europe.....lucky brits. Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Honestly I hope the US gets deals like this, so far I've only heard of price cuts in Europe.....lucky brits. Smilie
Lol, "lucky Brits"... we pay more than you anyways, it doesn't matter if we get a price cut... we're still paying more than you guys in the US.

( Edited 27.01.2011 16:54 by Mush123 )

Already preordered mine at �£199.85 from shopto

Vorash Kadan said:
Honestly I hope the US gets deals like this, so far I've only heard of price cuts in Europe.....lucky brits. Smilie

The Brits aren't the only ones in Europe, dude.

The rest of mainland Europe, mostly those of us using €, are being screwed royally. VERY royally.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Play are at �£202 as well. GAME is still at �£230, but I can't see that staying for long.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Lynk said:
Play are at ��£202 as well. GAME is still at ��£230, but I can't see that staying for long.

But then that is GAME, who like to overprice things

Just pre-ordered my 3DS for �£197 Smilie

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