Super Mario All-Stars Wii Gets Final, Final Shipment

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.02.2011 10

Super Mario All-Stars Wii Gets Final, Final Shipment on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of America has confirmed an additional, final shipment for the anniversary edition of Super Mario All-Stars for Wii.

Last year Nintendo ran a limited edition re-print of the SNES Super Mario compilation, bringing back the much loved platformers into the living room, alongside some of composer Koji Kondo's most loved works and a Super Mario History book.

Missed out on the rather swanky bundle? Not to worry. The final, final shipment of Super Mario-All Stars will make its way to stores from March 13th.

Then it'll be an eBay job for a pretty hefty fee (or until Nintendo bring it back again by popular demand..)

For more information on the world's favourite plumber see the Official Super Mario Bros Anniversary site.

Box art for Super Mario All-Stars: 25th Anniversary Edition





2D Platformer



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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I don't want the European one. Being forced to playing it in 50Hz with ugly black borders and devoid of any progressive scan mode, that's not what I'd call a collector Nintendo !!! I'll stick with my SNES and my Super Mario All-Stars cartridge for that.

( Edited 16.02.2011 00:12 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
I don't want the European one. Being forced to playing it in 50Hz with ugly black borders and devoid of any progressive scan mode, that's not what I'd call a collector Nintendo !!! I'll stick with my SNES and my Super Mario All-Stars cartridge for that.

This. I was actually planning to get it, heck I even had it pre-ordered, till I heard that the European version was, again, going to be in 50Hz only which is completely ridiculous. I can deal with them only slapping the ROM on a disc and packing in a lackluster booklet/soundtrack CD but that was it for me. They can't tell me that they couldn't just give us the US ROM for that. There's just no excuse.

I'll just wait until Mario's 30th Anniversary when they release the game again.

PMD said:
I'll just wait until Mario's 30th Anniversary when they release the game again.

Did they release anything for the 20th anniversary?
Unless they do it every 5 years, you'll probably end up waiting until the 50th anniversary.

I cant justifie getting it myself, its more like a prize or free gift in a magazine than something you'd buy in stores. I mean i HAVE the snes version and ROM emulated on... everything Smilie

I'm gonna have to pass this one up, the price is just too much for what you get. Not only do I STILL have my copy of All Stars for SNES, but the "extra" stuff are things you can easily find online.

Now if Nintendo released a disc containing EVERY SINGLE Mario game up till Sunshine (minus the CDi titles) & put them all onto one disc (it could easily fit on a Wii format disc) I would absolutely buy one. Heck I'd even pay upwards of $80 for it, no joke.Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
K (guest) 16.02.2011#7

They should have at least had an extra remake, maybe co-op, online play/races - anything to give it that little but more. Instead a 15 minute job dumping a few Snes Rom on a disc. Money ungry whores!

K (guest) said:
They should have at least had an extra remake, maybe co-op, online play/races - anything to give it that little but more. Instead a 15 minute job dumping a few Snes Rom on a disc. Money ungry whores!

A remake akin to the Super Mario Bros 3 DS fan project would have been great as a bonus option on the disc, give a little bit of the new to the old.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Did the C3 Compo for this ever have its prizes sent off? I thought someone I knew had won one but they never got it.

Actually I think my brother may have won one even.

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Is the limited edition Super Mario All-Stars the game that comes with the red wii bundle? Or is it version called New Super Mario Bros. Wii? Please let me know. Thanks.

Also, how long after march do you think it'll be available?

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