Club Nintendo Points for All 3DS Games

By Adam Riley 25.03.2011 5

Club Nintendo Points for All 3DS Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has been handing out Club Nintendo points to those buying any 3DS game. Whilst in the past anyone collecting Stars via Nintendo's special member programme on the official website had to make do with simply grabbing codes from Nintendo-published titles, things have changed for the better.

Each of Europe's launch games has a Club Nintendo card included that has the game's name written in small text on the back, and comes with the familiar silver strip that must be scratched to unveil the pin number required for entry to

Therefore, anyone picking up Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D, Rayman 3D, Asphalt 3D, or even Super Monkey Ball 3D, will be able to start quickly building up their Stars and claiming special gifts from Nintendo as a result!

Do you still actively collect Stars and what is the most interesting item you have 'bought' from the Club Nintendo website?

Box art for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Our member of the week

As long as they don't rise the amount of stars required to get the gifts, that's fine by me.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

got 350 star points with Street fighter 4 Smilie

wuff (guest) 25.03.2011#3

got 350 points in street fighter 4 Smilie

dueshbag (guest) 25.03.2011#4


Hope this is true for the Americas as well. My guess is that the total of coins needed for Platinum status will be increased for the 2011-2012 Nintendo year since now more games will give us coins. Even more of a reason to get 3DS games, specially if this prompts Nintendo to include codes with games released on the Wii 2.

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