Pokémon Black & White Sell Over 2 Million Since US Launch

By 28.03.2011 3

Pokémon Black & White Sell Over 2 Million Since US Launch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of America have reported sales numbers for their latest titles in the Pokemon series. Black and White were released just two weeks back in the US and they have already gained an impressive sales figure of over two million.

The report came from a recent tweet on Nintendo of America's Twitter feed. The message said: "Thanks, Pokemon fans! You helped the Pokemon Black and Pokemon White Version games hit the 2 million sales mark in just 2 weeks!".

The games have not only done well in the US though. Japanese Pokémon fans grabbed 2.5 million copies in just its opening weekend and it continually sits high in the Japanese game charts. They also did well in the UK, with them becoming the fastest selling DS title ever and Nintendo of Europe's third biggest launch.

Box art for Pokémon Black & White

Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



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Soon to hit the 10 million mark worldwide? Smilie

Makes me wonder if they will make a 3rd DS game, or just put it on the 3DS. When I play BW, it almost seems designed for the 3DS, what with all the 3D zooming when you walk around.

Hell, if they keep the DS environments and add simple polygon models for battles, it would be a great 3DS game.

Hmm, I don't know if I should get this game. I've got so little time with college, and during my summer break, I've gotta go back and play some Wii games I didn't finish.

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