Replay Bosses in Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS + New Screenshots

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.04.2011 21

Replay Bosses in Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS + New Screenshots on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo Europe today detail the bonus content available in the 3DS version of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, plus loads of new snaps!

As well as the tougher, remixed Master Quest, fans will also be treated to a new "Boss Challenge" mode, where you can select a dungeon-dwelling foe previously encountered or go through the lot one by one. It's uncertain whether health will refresh between battles.

Newer players can also watch a handful of bite-sized videos that aim to help explain some of the more tougher obstacles in the game.

Image for Replay Bosses in Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS + New Screenshots
Image for Replay Bosses in Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS + New Screenshots

Ocarina of Time 3D is out 17th June in Europe, and 19th June throughout North America.

Nintendo also released a handful of new screens, including scenes from Hyrule Castle, Town and the Overworld! Tonnes more in the game's album below.

Image for Replay Bosses in Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS + New Screenshots
Image for Replay Bosses in Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS + New Screenshots

Image for Replay Bosses in Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS + New Screenshots
Image for Replay Bosses in Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS + New Screenshots

What do you think of the extra content in the 3DS version of the iconic Nintendo 64 game?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





Action Adventure



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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (116 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Inbefore people complaining about the help videos even though nobody forces them to watch them. Smilie

Online leaderboards?

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

It's awesome, it's like this game will be another pioneer (like how Mario 64 and this game, were pioneers for 3D environment games) I wonder why no one is releasing anything but fighting games for the 3DS, there's so much more the console can do... honestly a lot of the games so far are meh... there's all ready too much fighting games, then the top down view of ghost recon, isn't taking full advantage of the software.... I hope developers will start being more creative on the 3DS. (or 3DS and NGP can end up like the PSP with very low amount of available software... atleast the 3DS will have Nintendo's games helping move systems) I hope the E-shop will atleast be more open to everyone, and allow "garage developer" make games for the system... so they don't need to do home brew.

Don't get me wrong, it's been a high dream, maybe for a lot of people here to be able to play a good fighting game on the road.

(that's my problem with the games, there's not much creativity in the games. X.x) the games I will like to get are;
Resident evil
ONE of the fighting games (Most likely DoA)
zelda (the ability to do what the article says sounds like fun)
starfox (maybe maybe not, mostly yes because I never played the original copy)

and honestly if companies are going to only utilize the 3D aspects and not the space it can provide to design on, then I might not get much games for the 3DS. Smilie

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Bunch of new awesome looking screenshots, especially the first one. Smilie

Image for

As comparison, here's how it looked in the original for those who have a bad memory. Smilie

Image for

Image for

Image for

I also picked this quote up at NeoGAF about Master Quest.

"Master Quest mode (everything's mirrored, new places of enemies and items, enemies are harder)"

I don't really get the point of mirroring everything but harder enemies sound absolutely awesome. Big improvement over the original MQ. Smilie

( Edited 19.04.2011 14:05 by SirLink )

Nice addition.

The new Castle Town looks great.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Awesome pictures. Fuck, I want this game.

Yeah, I just asked about the mirroring in the OOT3DS topic. The original master quest wasn't like that. Bit odd.

( Edited 19.04.2011 14:09 by Azuardo )

Damn those new screen look awesome! Really looking forward to getting this, not long now Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Azuardo said:

Yeah, I just asked about the mirroring in the OOT3DS topic. The original master quest wasn't like that. Bit odd.

The enemies weren't harder in the original MQ as well. If they were, then I horribly failed to notice even a slight change in my playthroughs. Smilie Seems like they're going for a different approach here than the original MQ. Maybe the dungeons will be mixed up yet again?

( Edited 19.04.2011 14:19 by SirLink )

SirLink said:
The enemies weren't harder in the original MQ as well.

Oh yeah, true. I've always (and I'm sure many others have) requested a difficulty mode in Zelda, so making enemies harder in MQ is a good call. At least these extra changes give it more replay value.

Any word on if you can play MQ from the get go, or do you need to unlock it/beat the game first? Not sure if it's been said.

Edit: Looks like it unlocks after beating the game.

( Edited 19.04.2011 14:37 by Azuardo )

Awesome addition.

Wow, Castle Town looks great, can't wait to see what Kakariko Village looks like. The addition of a boss mode is pretty cool, and it's great that they're making things harder for MQ. I can't wait for this.

Exciting stuff. Those screenshots look badass.


Jizzed my pants seeing the castle town screenshot. Smilie

“Master Quest mode will see some surprising changes to the game. Puzzles will have to be thought about and solved in new ways from the main Story mode, whilst items and enemies will be found in different locations. The land of Hyrule has also been reversed as locations are mirrored so what would ordinarily have been on the right now appears on the left and vice versa.

Enemies will also prove more difficult to beat, as such the greater complexity involved in this new Master Quest will test the gameplay abilities of even the most seasoned fans and prove a new experience for all.”

A 3 heart challenge on that Master Quest should be very interesting then. Smilie 1-hit kills by bosses, maybe? Smilie

Lynk said:
Online leaderboards?

That has GOT to be the most random suggestion I have EVER heard & probably the most inapropiate. The Zelda series is known for being a single player Oddessy, so unless they make a multiplayer focused Zelda game like the 4 Swords series leader boards would serve absolutly no perpous & seem foreign.

I'm still complaining about what looks like mediocure effort into remaking this game...but I suppose it could be chalked up to a visual art style choice. Making it still retain the retro N64 look but smoother...still it's gonna be hard to convince people who've never played the original to play this gem at first glance considering a majority of newblete gamers are heavy Graphic Whores & Psycho SOny Onlys who wouldn't touch a Nintendo game on principle. Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Lynk said:
Online leaderboards?

That has GOT to be the most random suggestion I have EVER heard & probably the most inapropiate. The Zelda series is known for being a single player Oddessy, so unless they make a multiplayer focused Zelda game like the 4 Swords series leader boards would serve absolutly no perpous & seem foreign.

I thought it was a pretty good suggestion! If they're going to make an entirely separate mode for it, it would be great if they expanded it. Various different stipulations (e.g. only three hearts for the entire stretch, only so many bombs/arrows/whatever, set time-limits) would bring a lot of extra life to it and then I can see people getting a bit competitive. Online leader-boards wouldn't go amiss - it takes absolutely nothing away from the main game. So why not?

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

i feel like a fat kid (aka myself) watching my mom cook a gigantic chocolate cake for 10000 hours. i feel like a virgin waiting 40 years for the right girl. i feel like America waiting 20 years for its troops back. i feel like i've been sentenced to maximum security prison until June 19. (was that a bit too much?)

I'm sorry to disappoint some but the current games for the 3ds are not enough to keep me satisfied until this game comes out. (That's like my mom telling me i cant play the game until i eat my veggies and wash the dishes.) I was dying for the 3ds's release 3 months ago but now they tell me the main game i wanted it for will be released in June (im also waiting on MarioKart). this is painful for people who dont have a lot of patience. lol there are sure gonna be a lot of jizzers on the 19th

( Edited 20.04.2011 01:20 by Squeakmaster )

Squeakmaster said:
lol there are sure gonna be a lot of jizzers on the 19th

I will be jizzing my pants on the 17th... maybe even the 16th if it arrives a day early. Man I love Nintendo for letting us have things 2 days before the Americans sometimes. Feels good after the UK/EU have been neglected for so many years. Smilie

( Edited 20.04.2011 01:31 by Mush123 )

Squeakmaster said:
i feel like a fat kid (aka myself) watching my mom cook a gigantic chocolate cake for 10000 hours. i feel like a virgin waiting 40 years for the right girl. i feel like America waiting 20 years for its troops back. i feel like i've been sentenced to maximum security prison until June 19. (was that a bit too much?)

I'm sorry to disappoint some but the current games for the 3ds are not enough to keep me satisfied until this game comes out. (That's like my mom telling me i cant play the game until i eat my veggies and wash the dishes.) I was dying for the 3ds's release 3 months ago but now they tell me the main game i wanted it for will be released in June (im also waiting on MarioKart). this is painful for people who dont have a lot of patience. lol there are sure gonna be a lot of jizzers on the 19th

I think the idea is to let third parties get a chance with their games. If Nintendo came out with OOT straight away, third party games wouldn't have sold as much as they have now. It's just Nintendo trying to be fairer with them. It's a tad frustrating if you're only interested in first party titles, sure, but it's only less than a couple of months away. It will fly by. Take the time to pick up some cheap good games or beat games you haven't played yet to keep you busy.

Soundworks said:
Vorash Kadan said:
Lynk said:
Online leaderboards?

That has GOT to be the most random suggestion I have EVER heard & probably the most inapropiate. The Zelda series is known for being a single player Oddessy, so unless they make a multiplayer focused Zelda game like the 4 Swords series leader boards would serve absolutly no perpous & seem foreign.

I thought it was a pretty good suggestion! If they're going to make an entirely separate mode for it, it would be great if they expanded it. Various different stipulations (e.g. only three hearts for the entire stretch, only so many bombs/arrows/whatever, set time-limits) would bring a lot of extra life to it and then I can see people getting a bit competitive. Online leader-boards wouldn't go amiss - it takes absolutely nothing away from the main game. So why not?

Thanks for the support Smilie

Why so random? What's the point in replaying bosses again if there's no sort of competitive aspect to it? This doesn't have to be a part of the main game, but if you are speed-playing bosses again then why not make it interesting and give you something to keep coming back to?

Leaderboards make everything better!

( Edited 21.04.2011 12:31 by Lynk )

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Can't help but agree. I used to love posting up all my scores and times for all sorts of games in forums years ago. There should be leaderboards for everything XD

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