Free Excitebite 3D during eShop Launch

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.04.2011 8

Free Excitebite 3D during eShop Launch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The eShop update for Nintendo 3DS is fast approaching, and Nintendo are offering an incentive for current owners: a free copy of the classic Excitebike in 3D!

To kick off the "3D Classics" range, where past games are re-output in 3D, Nintendo will be offering the addictive motocross racer as a free download for a limited time. The offer has currently only been confirmed for Japan.

For the system update, we need to have consumers voluntarily go online with their Nintendo 3DS. We are planning to do some promotional activities in order to urge them to do so.” The game will only be available for free for a limited time, Iwata said.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata

Initially Nintendo will dabble with Game Boy and Game Boy Colour, with Sega Game Gear and NEC’s TurboGrafx will be added at a later date. If proven a success will eventually move onto other formats - perhaps SNES and Genesis as options.

What games would you like to see in 3D as part of Nintendo's "3D Classics" collection for the 3DS?

Box art for Excitebike








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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PunchOut!! 3D was playable at last E3.

If they do the latter and add more platforms, I will want to move my current VC games onto my 3DS.

( Edited 26.04.2011 19:19 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Hopefully EU and US will both get a free copy of this too. Would be great if they did. Smilie

Howard (guest) 26.04.2011#3

I know we've played them a million times before... But Super Mario 3 in 3D would be beautiful! PS, has everyone put MP3's onto their DS - It will give you a preview of exitebike! (Only discovered this myself last night after having from launch)

Come on, bring it to Europe.

*fingers crossed*

Our member of the week

Not too excited about Excite Bike (duuuuh Smilie !)

It's not guaranteed that we'll be treated to the same free gift when the eshop launches here (this is for Japan !) but it would be cool if we got sucha gift too, but another title, possibly a more interesting one Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yeah I'd love to see PunchOut or the original Contra in 3D. Hey Mush I sent you my 3DS friend code, why haven't you added me yet?

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Yeah I'd love to see PunchOut or the original Contra in 3D. Hey Mush I sent you my 3DS friend code, why haven't you added me yet?

Oh right, it didn't pop up telling me I had any PMs, will add you now. Smilie

Cool! Good way of getting people to update their 3DS systems - I'm sure Europe will get the same/different game as a push.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

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