Aged Wii Games Get Revitalised in Nintendo Selects European Trailer

By 09.05.2011 10

Aged Wii Games Get Revitalised in Nintendo Selects European Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Looking to pick up some older Wii games at a budget price? then look no further than Nintendo's answer to this question (or perhaps you could, since you might find them cheaper) with their upcoming Nintendo Selects range. We previously reported about them, giving details of pricing and which games would be included in the selection, though now Nintendo have released a European trailer to showcase them.

The trailer briefly shows a number of clips from the range of games, which consists of Mario Strikers Charged Football, WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Wii Sports and Animal Crossing: Let's Go To The City.

There's no word on whether more games will be added to the Nintendo Selects range in the future, but it would seem logical for Nintendo to do so. The range will be hitting Europe on May 20th 2011 and priced at £19.99.

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If I ever want to get such an old game, I'll find a used copy for €10 or so.
By the way, I got Animal Crossing: LGTTC for €10. Or wait, I bought it new for €20 together with Wii Speak and then I sold the game for €20. So basically I got WS for free. Smilie

Why is Wii Sports there? Surely everyone who has a Wii has it already.

This is so exciting!!

Angus said:
Why is Wii Sports there? Surely everyone who has a Wii has it already.
Because they're now starting to sell Wii bundles with Mario Kart and without Wii Sports.

Oh right, I had always presumed Nintendo included Wii Sports in those packages too.

Isn't £20 a bit expensive considering how old these games are? Like Canyarion said, you could get these games used, even new, for less than the price they are. I can't see how £20 is considered a budget price.

Azuardo said:
Isn't £20 a bit expensive considering how old these games are? Like Canyarion said, you could get these games used, even new, for less than the price they are. I can't see how £20 is considered a budget price.

In what high street retail shop are you purchasing your games from? You won't get these games for £20 in the shops, especially Nintendo 1st party games.

Although they are at a budget price, these games are still a rip-off.

( Edited 09.05.2011 17:52 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

Yeah, I mean you can get them for a lot less online. So I guess they are budget in retail shops, but you've gotta be a mug to be buying from the high street.

Certainly one of the better Budget-Box designs, though I slightly agree with the rip-off notions.

What is with Nintendo and the outrageous price tags lately. Just because they dropped the Wii price doesn't mean they can compensate with stuff like this.


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