Ocarina of Time 3D Japanese Launch Trailer

By 25.05.2011 10

Ocarina of Time 3D Japanese Launch Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of Japan have released a new launch trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. The impressive trailer spans over two minutes long and features orchestrated versions of various Zelda music. Along with that, you also get to see lots of new footage, including it's improved character models and environments, such as Ganon's Castle and the Spirit Temple.

It's just over two weeks till the game comes out in Europe and if you register your interest on Nintendo's UK site, you can grab 50 additional stars, once you enter the game's Club Nintendo code. To do so, simply login to your account and click on your account name at the top of the page, then under 'account manager' click 'stars bonus'.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





Action Adventure



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Haha, I somehow knew that this one would be the picture for the article. Link's expression is just so epic. Smilie

Btw Marzy, you might want to take another version on Youtube because this one here only has 360p while some have 720p HD.(like the one I posted in the OoT 3D topic) Smilie

Our member of the week

Too bad the game actually won't have such an epic orchestrated soundtrack :/.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Really missed out on something special not doing a fully orchestrated soundtrack. Why spruce up the visuals and not the soundtrack?

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Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They didn't fix the horrible textures on the great fairy. Ugh, I hated that......thing...

bornforthis43 said:
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They didn't fix the horrible textures on the great fairy. Ugh, I hated that......thing...
Might be intentional to scare the shit out of a new generation of gamers. Oh well, at least she has round boobs now! Smilie

Looks great! If it were on a home console I'd be all over it. Don't really do handhelds. I prefer my TV and sound system to a crappy little screen and shit speakers. Headphones solve the latter, but nothing solves the former.

Edit: I wonder why they didn't implement Link's more varied jumping animations from Majora's Mask (where he would sometimes do a front-flip).

( Edited 26.05.2011 05:37 by Martin_ )

I would like to have seen that too, but in all likelihood this spruced-up engine will be reused for Majora's Mask 3DS anyway. The Moon in 3D would be the stuff of nightmares.

Martin_ said:

I wonder why they didn't implement Link's more varied jumping animations from Majora's Mask (where he would sometimes do a front-flip).

Oh yes, I've never thought of that. Smilie That would have been awesome indeed. I guess the more fluid jumping animation that doesn't make Link look like he's a block kind of makes up for it though.

Attention!!! I've just read that Mahito Yokota, the genius who composed most of the soundtracks for Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, is working on the soundtrack for Skyward Sword. I already suspected that a while ago because the GDC trailer music was an old piece made by him as well.

The recent Iwata Asks with him and Koji Kondo hasn't been officially translated yet but the word "orchestrated" has been thrown around a few times, so we might FINALLY get an orchestrated soundtrack for a Zelda game. They also talk about remastering the Ocarina of Time 3D soundtrack?? No idea what that means as the game has the original music, it's probably just the trailer music they're talking about.

In my wildest dreams, that means that they're orchestrating it just now and it will be patched into the game later on. Smilie

( Edited 26.05.2011 08:23 by SirLink )

That's what I'm hoping for too SirLink. Seriously if they include an orchestrated soundtrack in the final version I'd probably cream my pants.

L said:
That's what I'm hoping for too SirLink. Seriously if they include an orchestrated soundtrack in the final version I'd probably cream my pants.
It would be awesome, I'd probably do the same. Smilie

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