Tasty McDonald's Pokemon Toys

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.05.2011 13

Tasty McDonald

Your favourite critters are coming to a McDonald's Happy Meal near you; action figures and trading cards ahoy!

The chain are launching Pokemon Black and White toys in branches across North America next month from June 17th until July 7th. Similar promotions are said to be going global towards the end of this year and into 2012.

  • Pikachu - Press its tail and Pikachu's tail lights up.
  • Reshiram - Moves its arms and legs
  • Oshawott - A bobblehead figure
  • Zoroark - Moves its arms and waist
  • Tepig - Lights up its tail
  • Zekrom - Moves its arms and wings
  • Snivy - Its heads
  • Zorua - Pounces forward when you push on its back
  • Image for Tasty McDonald

    Via Pokemon Black & White.

    Box art for Pokémon Black & White

    Game Freak




    Turn Based RPG



    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (54 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    Are the toys edible? If not then they cannot be tasty. Also, lulz at allying with with heart-attack merchants McDonald's for children-oriented advertising! Nintendo want their kiddies nice and plump and with high blood-pressure.

    Heart-attacks at dawn!

    Too bad I don't a son or daughter to take to McDonalds because I would be far too ashamed to buy a Happy Meal for a Pokemon toy. Maybe I'll have to wait outside in the bushes wearing a Hamburglar costume and steal some poor kid's Happy Meal.

    Martin_ said:
    Are the toys edible?

    They most certainly are. Pikachu is made with authentic rat meat!

    Martin_ said:
    Are the toys edible? If not then they cannot be tasty. Also, lulz at allying with with heart-attack merchants McDonald's for children-oriented advertising! Nintendo want their kiddies nice and plump and with high blood-pressure.

    Heart-attacks at dawn!

    Nintendo want their kids fat so their parents will buy more copies of Wii Fit. Conspiracies ahoy!

    aww america only atm it looks, but wow their all good one! i remember as a kid you usually want a certain toy at mcdonalds and the rest would seem lame in comparison, but i want each of them, almost as if i wanna... no... gotta catch them all!

    I remember the Pokemon Movie toys at Burger King years ago, and there were a lot more to collect, and that was way before the whole Wii biz. There were actually kids that managed to collect them all, imagine how fat they got.

    ( Edited 31.05.2011 17:24 by Stulaw )

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    I want that Zekrom =(

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
    Xavi (guest) 22.06.2011#8

    Great! I love Pokemon! I already have Zororak, and wanting Zorua and Pikachu. Hopefully I'll get them!Smilie

    Rea (guest) 24.06.2011#9

    you know that you can just go up to the cashier and buy JUST the toys, right? $1.88 each. Smilie

    POKEMONS (guest) 29.06.2011#10

    These will be outside north America too. Sadly in Australia we wont get Pikachu Zorua or Zoroark Smilie which means I cant catch em all. oh well.

    anonthemus (guest) 08.08.2011#11

    I hate when this happens =/ love pokemon, hate forcing children to buy kids meals with death threats.lol wut?

    Phill (guest) 09.08.2011#12

    Ah man I hope they still are around someplace at mcdonalds I really want a pokemon toySmilie

    Wanted One but wasn't in time Smilie

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