Max and the Magic Marker for DS/Wii

By Adam Riley 01.06.2011

Max and the Magic Marker for DS/Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Easy Interactive has announced that it will be releasing retail versions of the award-winning indie hit, Max and the Magic Marker, for Nintendo DS and Wii on the 30th June 2011.

Press Play's Max and the Magic Marker, which Cubed3 scored 8/10 in its original WiiWare format, tells the story of Max, an adventurous young boy who receives a mysterious marker pen in the mail. Playing around with it, he discovers that whatever he draws comes to life and the stage is set for a classic platform adventure romp where the player controls Max as he hops and jumps through a series of levels, as well as the magic marker itself, using its fabulous powers to help Max by drawing directly onto the game world and solving a wide range of problems and puzzles in the process.

The DS version of Max and the Magic Marker recreates all the action of the WiiWare and PC indie hit, and brings the all-important magic marker under the control of the stylus. The Wii version adds an extra ‘tutorial’ mode to provide tips and help for new players.

We’re really excited to be able to bring Max and the Magic Marker to retail, especially considering its cult status online, its numerous awards and the very favourable review scores collated on Metacritic. It's something of a departure from our usual, casual-focused catalogue, but we know that Max’s adventures have an appeal beyond the core fanbase it already has and our boxed release will undoubtedly see Max and the Magic Marker pick up an entirely new legion of fans.
- Easy Interactive Managing Director, Michel van Elmpt.

Will any readers be diving in after missing out on the WiiWare edition, or will you wait for the rumoured PlayStation Network edition?

Box art for Max and the Magic Marker

Press Play




2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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