E311 Media | Resident Evil Reveals Revelations on 3DS

By Mike Mason 07.06.2011 7

E311 Media | Resident Evil Reveals Revelations on 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Resident Evil: Revelations will not be coming out for a while yet, but that hasn't stopped Capcom from revealing a raft of new screenshots and information. Taking place in 2005, Revelations fills in some of the story between Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5, with Jill Valentine and new partner Parker Luciani on the hunt for the AWOL Chris Redfield.

Update: Capcom has uploaded the E3 2011 trailer and new gameplay sequences for the forthcoming 3DS game




Life on the sea has rarely been so scary as in Resident Evil: Revelations. In a first for the franchise, players can venture underwater - but there's no escape from the horrors even there. Capcom are promising a return to survival horror, a less action-based entry into the series, with the touch-screen used to add a new slant to puzzles and a more flexible inventory. Enemy weaknesses can also be scanned for with the new Genesis item, and players can switch between first and third person views to suit each situation.

More on Resident Evil: Revelations as we hear it.

Box art for Resident Evil: Revelations








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (25 Votes)

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less action more horror? just what i wanted to hear. :3

man can,t wait intill this game comes out love the Resident evil gameS I already preoder Resident Mercenaries at game stop and I also proder the zelda game and this will be my first zelda game I was born in 1976 so grow up play many systems but I always and aways will love the Nintendo IN FACT I FOUND A GAMMING STORE THAT SELLS THE OLD NES AND i AM THINKING OF BUYING ONE SO I RELIVE MY OLD CHILD HOOD DAYS

Our member of the week

Really liking what I see so far. RE4/RE5 gameplay meets RE1/RE2/RE3 survival horror progression and atmosphere + aiming while moving finally made possible. Could well become my favourite ResiEvil ever Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I'm guessing this is purely single player? If it is.. I'm so glad. Smilie Makes it more scary when you play on your own. xD
Oh and.. WTF is Jill holding in that second screenshot? o.O

( Edited 09.06.2011 00:07 by Mush123 )

Our member of the week

Isn't it that sort of scanner that she's using in one of the videos to detect items on corpses ?

( Edited 09.06.2011 00:25 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
Isn't it that sort of scanner that she's using in one of the videos to detect items on corpses ?

Oh, haven't watched the videos yet. Going to sleep now. Will watch them tomorrow probably. Thanks for clearing that up though. Sounds awesome. xD

It's looking amazing & it's going back to how I like it! Survival horror, rather than action.

Is it just me or is Jill looking a lot like Lara Croft?

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