E311 | Gaijin Games Complete BIT.TRIP Wii

By Mike Mason 11.06.2011 7

E311 | Gaijin Games Complete BIT.TRIP Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Gaijin Games' BIT.TRIP series has been regarded as a crown jewel in the WiiWare line-up since its inception. Following releases of some of the episodes on iPhone and a forthcoming 3D update on Nintendo 3DS, it has been announced that BIT.TRIP Complete will gather all the games together for a disc release on Wii.

BIT.TRIP Complete will include each of the six WiiWare titles that have delivered an abstract musical experience lapped up by many - BEAT, CORE, VOID, RUNNER, FATE and FLUX - enhanced with new gameplay challenges, video, art and musical galleries featuring fan tributes alongside additions from Gaijin Games themselves. A soundtrack CD will also be bundled as part of the package.

BIT.TRIP Complete will be released later in the year, as will 3DS version BIT.TRIP SAGA.

Thanks to IndieGames.

Which, if any, will you be picking up? Have you enjoyed the BIT.TRIP series previously?

Box art for Bit.Trip Complete



Rising Star





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  4/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Out now   

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I'm kinda confused right now. Are the bonus things mentioned here in the 3DS version too? Because I'm planning on picking up that atm and would like to know if I'm missing out on extras apart from that soundtrack CD since both retail versions will probably cost about the same anyway.

From what I've read, the extra content is only in the Wii version. You have to decide: do you want the extra content, or to play these games in 3D?

Oh damn. :/ Playing it in 3D actually isn't that big of a deal for me; it's playing it on a handheld.

Random thought while writing about that: It would be awesome if the Wii U let you stream Wii games to the controller as well in this case. It's probably not possible, right?

Awesome! I might get it.

SirLink said:
Random thought while writing about that: It would be awesome if the Wii U let you stream Wii games to the controller as well in this case. It's probably not possible, right?

So if you're playing Skyward Sword on the Wii U, to be able to stream it to the controller? I've not thought about that but I would think that might actually be possible. Definitely something to ask Nintendo.

Azuardo said:

So if you're playing Skyward Sword on the Wii U, to be able to stream it to the controller? I've not thought about that but I would think that might actually be possible. Definitely something to ask Nintendo.

On the second (not so random) thought, we don't even know if you can actually use the Wii U controller for Wii games. I'm rather thinking no, because the button layout is radically different compared to the Wiimote. How would that work?

Oh yeah >.< Completely forgot about that. But I guess in games where you don't need the remote, e.g. games that use the classic controller, you probably could. Like, it would be good if you could also play virtual console games on it.

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