Capcom Explains Lack of Save Reset for Resident Evil: Mercernaries

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.06.2011 14

Capcom Explains Lack of Save Reset for Resident Evil: Mercernaries  on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

You can't remove the save data for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3DS. Capcom's reasoning? The arcade feeling.

Earlier this week it was discovered that players are unable to reset the game data in the upcoming Capcom action game - clearly marked out in the instruction manual. Simply put, if you were to pick it up second hand, you wouldn't be able to start afresh.

Capcom have since responded to the outburts from fans and potential owners, by exclaiming that the game is supposed to be like an arcade fighting game, and that the team had "designed the save system to work with the arcade type of gameplay".

The nature of the game invites high levels of replayability, encouraging fans to improve mission scores. The save mechanic ensures that both original and unlocked game content will be available to all users. Secondhand game sales were not a factor in this development decision, and we hope that all our consumers will be able to enjoy the entirety of the survival-action experiences that the game does offer.

Q. Is it true that the game can only be played through once?
A. No. This is not true. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D is a non-linear experience where there is no set end to the game. It is a score attack game and progression is defined as improving upon previous high scores. Players can replay each mission as many times as they like to continually challenge themselves to improve.

Q. Does the inability to reset the save game data mean that those purchasing a secondhand version of the game will have content missing?
A. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D consists of 30 time-based missions, through which the player unlocks skill upgrades as they progress through the game. Anyone purchasing a copy of the game secondhand would have access to all the missions and skills that the original owner unlocked, in addition to the content that was available to the original user.

Box art for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D








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What a lame excuse. Smilie We all know that they want to combat used game sales.

"designed the save system to work with the arcade type of gameplay"

So if I unplug it, the scores will reset, right?

Sonic_13 said:
"designed the save system to work with the arcade type of gameplay"

So if I unplug it, the scores will reset, right?

BaDUM KSSHHHH!! Nice one....except not all arcade systems lose their high score history when you shut them off, when I managed an arcade the only one that lost the high scores at the end of the day was Marvel VS. Capcom 2 when I shut down for the night.

You can still go into the settings & delete score history if we ever got a truely skilled gamer who made such a high score that no one was able to touch it & the machine started making less money.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

and skills that the original owner unlocked

yes, because no one likes unlocking stuff themselves.

Seriously, if this made sense, everything should be unlocked at the start for everyone. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Crap excuse but i really dont care, what i think its stupid are people who are thinking of selling their game before they even bought it. Wheres the passion in gaming these days, dosnt the thought of a game thats content is based on your progress and only you, do you not have a sence of poetry that this game will and always define you alone as a gamer and something you can keep forever as the gaming fan you are??? No you wanna play it. For 10 mins then dump it at gamestop for call of duty or something and not pay full price. You so called gamer...

Welshwuff, I don't think it's about the people thinking of selling it, it's people that want to buy it cheaper second hand who have more of a problem with this. I buy a lot of games second hand. I've picked up some real gems or rare games on DS for £5, like Tingle's Rupeeland, Chocobo Tales, Elite Beat Agents, Meteos, Advance Wars. I don't expect everything to be done already and not be able to erase it to start afresh for myself.

Me (guest) 30.06.2011#7

I was very much on the fence about this game. Played it on RE5 and thought it was alright, but not much special. I buy games, and if they're not too great, or I tire of them, I trade to get money towards a new game. This has effectively killed the second hand Market of the game. I may pick it up when it's cheap, dont really want to spend full price on what us effectively a glorified subgame with a 3 minute demo thrown in

I don't ever buy used games or sell/trade in my games because I never know when I might want to play it again. Besides, it's not worth it and it just gives shops money, not the developer. And for arcade genres like fighting or racing or this, I don't see the point in resetting your game.

But if you do buy used games, I can understand why this would upset you. Just don't buy it used if starting new is such a big deal.

I don't care much about this one because I don't plan on getting it, but if it starts creeping in to other games, that could be a problem. But I'm not getting a 3DS for a long time anyway so I'm not bothered atm.

If you pirate the game, do you get to start from scratch?

welshwuff said:
Crap excuse but i really dont care, what i think its stupid are people who are thinking of selling their game before they even bought it. Wheres the passion in gaming these days, dosnt the thought of a game thats content is based on your progress and only you, do you not have a sence of poetry that this game will and always define you alone as a gamer and something you can keep forever as the gaming fan you are??? No you wanna play it. For 10 mins then dump it at gamestop for call of duty or something and not pay full price. You so called gamer...

What? Poetry, passion...what on earth are you talking about?

I should be able to buy a game and reset it to an original state so that I can resell it when I'm finished. How that cheapens me as a gamer I do not understand. I don't need the cartridge to remember a good (or bad) gaming experience.

That said, my bigger concern isn't resell, but buying used. I like to save the cash. So it kinda sucks that they're doing this. I don't think this will help them as much as they think it will though, because if someone is willing to buy used to get a cheaper price, they're also probably willing to wait longer for the price of the new game to fall.

I'll just wait until its in the bargain bin for $10-$15.

THIS IS an Awsome game now to me it kind hard to play but I still think it's an awsome game .

well I really don't care that you can't trade the game back in because I plan to keep my mine anyway, I worked too hard to get it and the same gose for the Zelda game.

Mod Edit: Don't double post. Use the edit button.

( Edited 03.07.2011 02:10 by Jacob4000 )

Vorash Kadan said:
BaDUM KSSHHHH!! Nice one....except not all arcade systems lose their high score history when you shut them off, when I managed an arcade the only one that lost the high scores at the end of the day was Marvel VS. Capcom 2 when I shut down for the night.

You can still go into the settings & delete score history if we ever got a truely skilled gamer who made such a high score that no one was able to touch it & the machine started making less money.

Fucking awesome sauce! Jeebz, immediately upgrade this man to Lvl 100 "C3 Master". We've never had an arcade manager signed up to these boards.

@ Vorash

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It's an excellent game, so I dunno why I'd sell it. :/ And I rarely buy secondhand stuff, ever since I received an unusable game disk. Imo, why does everyone complain about things like this? I guess I'm one of the few people that actually like to go back through the game with my unlocks, usually just to screw around for fun.

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