Mario, Sonic Compete This November

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.07.2011

Mario, Sonic Compete This November on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega have set a date for the latest Mario and Sonic sporting collaboration - this November. The location? Good old London town.

Plumber and hedgehog compete across various Olympic events, joined by the likes of Tails, Princess Peach, Knuckles, Shadow, Princess Daisy and many more bubbly gaming mascots. Football, equestrian and badminton will debut alongside refined events like athletics and table tennis.

The Wii version will launch in a banana yellow box - not gold (as you may expect from an Olympic package), and will be available in Europe on 18th November and North America on the 15th.

The 3DS version won't launch alongside the Wii outing however, with a short delay until February 2012.

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