Super Mario 3D Land - New Trailer, Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2011 12

Super Mario 3D Land - New Trailer, Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mario was a strong focus during Nintendo's 3DS Conference today, with a new trailer for Super Mario 3D Land.

The porky plumber is going up against his long-term nemesis Bowser once again in an all new 3D platformer that blends new mechanics with older power-ups and throwbacks to past adventures. In a first for a portable Mario game, players will be able to use the 3DS's gyroscope to uncover secrets using motion play.

18th November is a date for your diary if you live in Europe and would like to take a trip with your favourite Nintendo mascot!

Image for Super Mario 3D Land - New Trailer, Screens
Image for Super Mario 3D Land - New Trailer, Screens
Image for Super Mario 3D Land - New Trailer, Screens

Have a flick through the Super Mario 3D Land screens album below for more snaps.

What do you think about Super Mario 3D Land? Will you be investing in Mario's latest adventure?

Box art for Super Mario 3D Land





3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (16 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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At 0:32 - Damn I have to admit, you got me right there, Nintendo. I was 100% certain that Mario would get the Star Coin...

Oh and it's going to be released the same day as Skyward Sword? Daaamn. Good that I won't have a hard time choosing. Smilie

At 0:32 - Damn I have to admit, you got me right there, Nintendo. I was 100% certain that Mario would get the Star Coin...

That part reminded me of Echochrome.

Very good idea, hopefully they'll be more parts like that in the game.

I just noticed something. Look at 0:43, Bowser has a Tanooki Tail? Smilie

Yep, I'm guessing Bowser will get all the power ups like Mario does, and you'll probably have to use that costumes weakness against it or something.

Would be cool if there was an unlockable Bowser mode

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Really nice! day one purchase for me, baby!

Looks to be totally action oriented this time around; sans the exploratory elements that were present in Mario64 through Galaxy.

I like it. Familiar with a nice change of pace. Way to keep things fresh Nintendo!

Jman (guest) 13.09.2011#6

Day one.

Wasn't too fussed about it before.

This has pushed it to a must buy. Smilie

definitely a must buy for me too.

It definitely looks better the more I see it, but the whole 2D-style life system (little Mario, big mushroom, power-up) etc I don't really like - would prefer a Galaxy/Sunshine/Mario 64 styled life/health setup.

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Squidboy (guest) 13.09.2011#10

The video interview with Miyamoto now has English subs. I recommend anyone interested in the game watches it. NWReport Youtube channel has it.

My interest has peaked.

Squidboy (guest) 14.09.2011#11

Nintendo have opened a Japanese site which has 3D screens that can be viewed on your 3DS browser.

Google: Enjoy these Super Mario 3D Land Screens in 3D (GoNintendo)

Now I'm interested... To say the least. And all this in wonderful 3D <3

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