A Look at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Wii... The Box

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.11.2011 37

A Look at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Wii... The Box on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Amidst all the news of early releases and piracy for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 comes a brief look at the Wii edition.

There's only a few days left until the highly-anticipated release of the eighth main entry in the long-running first person shooter series and details for the game are scarce, particularly the Treyarch developed Wii entry. With the HD edition receiving prime treatment, both the Nintendo console versions have been a tad bit neglected.

The only media released so far are some rather grainy shots of the Wii edition's box: teeny screens, a Paris setting and support for classic controller/zapper with PDP Headbanger for online voice chat. The box also notes co-operative survival mode and what looks like online play behind handled by Activision's servers (no blue Wi-Fi logo) rather than the relatively poorer Nintendo variety.

Image for A Look at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Wii... The Box
Image for A Look at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Wii... The Box

Via NeoGAF.

Are you getting Modern Warfare 3? If so, what platform? Are you a fan of the series on Nintendo's Wii and Treyarch's efforts?

Box art for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (2 Votes)

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Ph3n0m (guest) 06.11.2011#1

Let's see what you did this year Treyarch Smilie

Nene (guest) 06.11.2011#2

I actually want to play the wii version, actual aiming feels better than magnetised aiming. Seems the console to have the most fun

"Activision's servers (no blue Wi-Fi logo) rather than the relatively poorer Nintendo variety."

I'm disappointed by this. I've never once had any problems with Nintendo's servers, but have had huge problems connecting to Activision's servers when trying to play in the past.

luke (guest) 06.11.2011#4

I sure hope its better than Black Ops.

MAz (guest) 06.11.2011#5

It's true Nintendo servers aren't as good how many times I am D/C-ed from Brawl or Mario Kart? Every time!

Got this baby pre-loaded on Steam.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
MW3PS3ONLY (guest) 06.11.2011#7

Honestly, wii? Look, if your gonna buy MW3, but it for 360, PS3, (and if your computer can handle it) PC. NOT Wii. I'm not trying to be a troll. I really am not. I love nintendo products. i own a wii and a 3ds. i still have my old nintendo 64! Zelda is incredible! lol. but lets face it, the wii doesn't have the power the PS3 has. If you want to have a lot more fun, don't get it on wii. Wii is not for the hardcore type. Nintendo focused their console on family style playing and softcore players. its true. face it.

GUEST (guest) 06.11.2011#8

NOT FOR THE WII! The is an overall terrible system for fps and the people playing are incredibly bad on it and all the people who play CoD on Wii are from the ages of 7-13. And whoever said they wanted to see what Treyarch did this year, it was developed by Infinity Ward, noob.

Tony (guest) 06.11.2011#9

You guys are hopefully from 7-13 years old because the stuff you say is too ridiculous to be an adult saying it. The majority of players on any system are kids. Btw, it is being developed treyarch for the wii version.

Guest (guest) 06.11.2011#10

Treyarch were behind the Wii port of this game, as they were for every release of CoD on Wii.

samot (guest) 06.11.2011#11

Wow i like the wii versions better cause i can't hear whining kids over the mic

KingreX32 (guest) 06.11.2011#12

They haven't released modern warfare 2 on wii. So there's no point in getting this game. Hey activision i like to play my games in order just like anyone else.

guest (guest) 06.11.2011#13

Hopfully the wii version is better than black ops cause treyarch could focuse alot on the wii this time...

oleharry (guest) 06.11.2011#14

What kind of "joystick" would you reccomend using for Call of D on the WII. I've only got the standard controls, but I'm thinking about buying something better at the same time as I get my hands on the new Call of D.


JF (guest) 06.11.2011#15

Treyarch are making the Wii port. Infinity Ward don't care about the Wii. The controlls are peoples preference, I for one prefer the Wii controls to the Magnetic aiming on the PS360 version. And for that matter, I've met more 7-13 year old online on PS360 than on the Wii, which says a lot doesn't it.

Jinkz (guest) 06.11.2011#16

Post #9, Tony, get with the times! Anyone still under 40 owns a console of some kind these days, you must be a lot older!

And whoever said they wanted to see what Treyarch did this year, it was developed by Infinity Ward, noob.

Treyarch developed the Wii version... shows what you know, boob!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
---- (guest) 06.11.2011#18

your a stupid noob. Treyarch is porting it to the wii. Stupid asshole

---- (guest) said:
your a stupid noob. Treyarch is porting it to the wii. Stupid asshole
I believe that they are developing the Wii version from the ground up, hence why it's coming out the same day as the other versions. Obviously they'll be using the same scripts and stuff, but Treyarch are still the ones developing it.

Infinity Ward don't give a jack about Nintendo, hence why the Wii is yet to see the release of MW2 and CoD4.. until Treyarch ported it over to the Wii.

( Edited 06.11.2011 23:06 by Mush123 )

guest (guest) 06.11.2011#20

For all of you saying treyarch did it, they didn't!! SO WHO MADE THE MODERN WARFARE SERIES? Who made Modern Warfare 3? It wasn't Treyarch!! Idiot 7 year olds...

GUEST (guest) 06.11.2011#21

Treyarch PORTED it over to Wii they did NOT develop multiplayer, story, or spec ops for MW3 it ALL came from Infinity Ward. Put some common sense into your comments. The Wii can't have a different storyline than PS3 and 360, idiots! All the info came from Infinity Ward and Treyarch put it over to the Wii so little kids can whine and scream over the mic. That's one reason why Infinity Ward is better than Treyarch, I could go into detail about but I don't need to explain myself to 7 year olds because you would just deny everything I say anyway.

GUEST (guest) 06.11.2011#22

And yes it shows SO much about how I care about MW3 for Wii, because for who said that much research the latest news on MW3 for Wii constantly. NO LIFE

GUEST (guest) 06.11.2011#23

Face it Wii is NOTHING compared to 360 or PS3

GUEST (guest) 06.11.2011#24

So i guess 20-30 year old men are playing the Wii for Call of Duty?! Yeah riiiight. Why would they buy the Wii and not the PS3, 360, or PC for CoD, there are no reasons because everyone who plays CoD on Wii think they know EVERYTHING about CoD when Wii only gets half the features, PS3 and 360 get.

Wolfy (guest) 07.11.2011#25

Why are you guys, allowing this childish arguement to go oN? reading the replies, and half of them is about a 6 year old arguement, that is completely a waste of time.

... back on topic...

I like shooter, But since right now I have no game consoles, or time to get one I have to pass for now, on getting anything.... maybe even need to cancle my preorder.... For Skyward Sword. Smilie

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