Wayforward Developed Mega Man Unlikely

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.01.2012 4

Wayforward Developed Mega Man Unlikely on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Californian developer WayForward Technologies is a fan favourite to develop a new Mega Man game, but the prospect is unlikely.

The developer is well known for its 2D games and bringing a more Western approach to classic concepts, including A Boy and His Blob and Contra 4. The studio is keen to work on bigger names if the owners approve, with one of the most requested franchises is Capcom's long-running Mega Man series.

The request was pitched to the all-knowing Christian Svensson, Capcom's VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development, with his response suggesting that it's highly unlikely that a new Mega Man would be produced by a Western studio.

I'm also a WF fan and I'm familiar with their work. I'll never say never but there'd be a million approvals before a MM title could ever be produced in the West.

Via Go Nintendo.

Would you like to see Wayforward develop a new 2D Mega Man game? What other franchises would you like the studio to re-invigorate?

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Well my guess is the real reason for the No Way is because Crapcom has decided to abandon that legendary franchise out of bitterness since the creator left Capcom to start his own work.....this is just a "politically correct" answer to keep the fans at bay...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Well my guess is the real reason for the No Way is because Crapcom has decided to abandon that legendary franchise out of bitterness since the creator left Capcom to start his own work.....this is just a "politically correct" answer to keep the fans at bay...

How have you deciphered "I'll never say never", into "no way"?. Megaman has been Capcom's unofficial mascot for 25 years. WayForward have also worked with Capcom in the past with the original Shantae.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Rob (guest) 10.01.2012#3

"What other franchises would you like the studio to re-invigorate?"

One of their own, a remake of Wendy: Every Witch Way would be nice.

Wren (guest) 27.02.2012#4

AWWWW! When I first played Shantae I actually thought it must made by some of the MegaMan developers! lol

I mean come on, Shantae's hair and Zero, anyone?

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