C3 Art Special: Submit your N64 Pieces

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.02.2012 5

C3 Art Special: Submit your N64 Pieces on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's mutliplayer haven and foray into the world of polygons is turning 15. Why not celebrate with a spot of art?

The Nintendo 64 turns 15 in Europe in March 2012 and we need your artwork to celebrate! The theme is "Nintendo 64", but content is broad - We accept most submissions as long as your pieces relate in some way to the Nintendo 64 era.

Your work can be directly inspired by a game/hardware, e.g. the console itself or a scene from a game, or loosely connected, e.g. a picture of Mario.

We need you!

Image for C3 Art Special: Submit your N64 Pieces

Submission Guidelines

  • New or existing work (featured on other sites) is allowed.
  • Hand-drawn Drawing, painting, pastel work etc - scanned or photographed.
  • 2D/3D Digital artwork made on the computer, or a combination of the two.
  • Photoshop work, collages, wallpapers etc using existing video game art or sprites.
  • Short video or digital photos.

How to submit

To enter your work, please email jb(at)cubed3.com with a link or attachment by Sunday Sunday 25th March 2012 - Extended: Thursday 29th March 2012.

Include your title(s) and format (paint, Photoshop etc)
Selected work will be posted by the end of March

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I'll definitely be entering.

I'm happy to see the return of C3 Art.

( Edited 20.02.2012 19:35 by Marzy )

Hogg (guest) 20.02.2012#2

Can I submit more than 1?

I might enter this time, I've been trying to get back in to the habit of drawing.

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Hogg (guest) said:
Can I submit more than 1?

Yep, you certainly can - any format is accepted as long as there's some form of link to the N64/Nintendo in particular. Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'm assuming the winner(s) will get some stars of something?
I suck majorly at art, but I have some free time, so you never know I might enter.

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