Japanese Analyst Negative about Wii U

By Pip 10.04.2012 11

Japanese Analyst Negative about Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Analyst David Gibson of Macquarie Capital Securities in Japan has voiced his concerns over the upcoming Wii U and its long term prospects. Gibson and other developers believe that the Nintendo product, rumoured to launch on 18th November, has questionable capabilities.

Nintendo is hoping to make a big impact at this year's E3 in June but with the perceived underperformance of Nintendo stock and the belief that the console's “competitive position has deteriorated” Gibson advises avoiding Nintendo stock until the show. Gibson remarks that stock could be worth more if Nintendo “went iOS/ Android with games” but does not think this will happen.

Gibson outlines potential problems for Nintendo including the console having no edge as it will be less powerful than the Xbox360 and PS3, the console being less connected and less relevant than other products such as the four screen infrastructure Apple iPad, and a small window to gain installed base as the PS4 (Orbis) and Xbox Durango launch in 2013.

Furthermore, there are currently no plans to support the console from Activision meaning big selling titles such as Call of Duty will be missing. However, Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg has stated many times that Wii U would align more closely with the types of games Activision make so there may be support from the company at a later stage.

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I am getting sick of all these articles (on all gaming websites) that are entirely based upon rumor or "anonymous" tips.

I know people are desperate for new information - I know I certainly want to know everything about Wii U - but it is starting to get ridiculous. Let's wait until E3 people...

What's worse is when people, and especially analysts, start treating these rumors and anonymous tips (many of which completely contradict statements made by actual named developers) and treat them as solid facts.

I got a feeling none of the next gen consoles will be nearly as successful as before.

That said, any anaylist that seriously thinks that Nintendo could make the same quality games on a "app store" budget is nuts.

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The analyst wasn't talking about making quality games on an app store; he was talking about making lots of money, something which usually goes against quality.

I think that all the analysts are just playing up the "Nintendo is d00med!" hype so that they can buy stock at a bargain price prior to the WiiU release. So they, and their customers can make a killer profit when stock skyrockets.

It will be an explosive product, no matter what. It's Nintendo--if you want their games--you gotta buy their system.

Oh, wow. An "analyst" making a stupid remark over a rumor that has been proven to be fake?

You must also remember that as soon as you read the word "analyst", you must stop reading and move along.

Sonic_13 said:
I am getting sick of all these articles (on all gaming websites) that are entirely based upon rumor or "anonymous" tips.

I know people are desperate for new information - I know I certainly want to know everything about Wii U - but it is starting to get ridiculous. Let's wait until E3 people...

What's worse is when people, and especially analysts, start treating these rumors and anonymous tips (many of which completely contradict statements made by actual named developers) and treat them as solid facts.

I couldn't agree more. This has become very sickening. It's all based on, "because some company who doesn't have the balls to say who they are said so!". Nothing but rumors and unconfirmed reports from anonymous sources. It kills me that most gamers willingly dive head first into this crap without a second thought.

And the analysts, they're the worst. They just fuel the fire. The kicker is they never know what the hell they're talking about. *ugh*

E3 is right around the corner for crying out loud. How about we wait for some actual legitimate news before drawing conclusions. Some people are so stupid. Smilie

( Edited 10.04.2012 19:10 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Nintendoro (guest) 10.04.2012#8

Another analyst who is more naive than most of those who believe anonymous sources. Though Nintendo doesn't do much to fight these rumors. They are not giving any specs details, which makes most believe in all that crap. They had a chance to change people minds, but again they said that innovation is a key to success. I hate analysts and gamers who talk crap about Wii U, but, in other hand, it's Nintendo who should be providing world with info instead of keeping every detail "top secret". The only good word was spread by Gearbox director who claimed Wii U's version of Aliens will be one of the best looking and that they will have more RAM than others as well as "great processor"... Others just make me upset

FC (guest) 10.04.2012#9

"it will be less powerful than the Xbox360 and PS3"

Hmmm. Either I've been in a coma and E3 has already happened, or this guy is a psychic.

Darkflame said:
I got a feeling none of the next gen consoles will be nearly as successful as before.

That said, any anaylist that seriously thinks that Nintendo could make the same quality games on a "app store" budget is nuts.

I think these rumours have been started so that Nintendo reveal their ace in the hole early. Nintendo need to sit tight until E3, don't want Sony/Microsoft copying now!

However, having said that, i do think that the Wii U will be a smidgen more powerful than the current generation, but will be superseded by the PS4/720 in around 2 years time!

Doesn't matter to me, just give me a new Starfox, Metroid, Zelda, Mario and FZero and i'll be more than happy!

Gibson remarks that stock could be worth more if Nintendo “went iOS/ Android with games” but does not think this will happen.

No credibility.

I've yet to be convinced a developer can thrive for the long term purely on smart phones. People remember Nintendo's name and will be interested in whatever their newest game is simply because it is from Nintendo. Do casual gamers know the names Zynga and OMGPopcap and look forward to their next game? And those are giants in the industry. Do they know smaller developers? I don't think so, but maybe I'm wrong. Nintendo would just be another company making little iPhone games.

My point being: if Nintendo made only smart phone games, they'd be a shadow of their former self financially (and in general).

While it'd be sad, I could probably be persuaded there would be profit in dropping their portable systems and making Pokemon games and such for smart phones.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

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