New Super Mario Bros 2 - To Download or Not to Download?

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.04.2012 22

New Super Mario Bros 2 - To Download or Not to Download? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata today expanded on initial talk to begin digital distribution by confirming the first download title for 3DS.

During the company's financial briefing this week, the ability to download the latest Nintendo releases were considered into projection figures for the coming fiscal year. Nintendo weren't just being provisional, and will begin a transition into a more digital age with the release of New Super Mario Bros 2 later this year - said Iwata in a briefing to investors.

With this software, we will initiate the so-called digital download sales, or the digital distribution of packaged software, in addition to the sales of packaged software through the existing distribution channels. In principle, starting from this software, the company will offer the software titles that Nintendo itself publishes in both packaged and digital download formats so that our consumers can choose the way to purchase them.

So whether it's downloading the latest chapter of the Mushroom Kingdom legacy on release, waiting for the postman or walking to your local retailer - Nintendo hope to have you covered. Iwata didn't highlight whether purchasing a retail copy entitled players to a virtual/download edition as well, though one would assume the format would take on an either/or policy.

Nintendo also highlighted that players may purchase download codes from retailers themselves, and would be able to then go off and get their copy directly from the e-Shop. One of the biggest issues in the business today is hoarding physical stock, so reducing the packaged quantities and offering a purchase-then-download offers could help smaller retailers.

Iwata also highlighted an interesting point - whilst Nintendo won't be marking down digitally distributed software, retailers can charge as little as they like for certain games - opening up the field for deals on download games.

Will you be downloading the latest Super Mario Bros games or holding out for your retail copy in its shiny new box?

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. 2





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Have to get a bigger SD card for all the awesome games that are going to be downloadable Smilie

I want it in a box!! Am a sucker for shiny new boxes Smilie

Iwata also highlighted an interesting point - whilst Nintendo won't be marking down digitally distributed software, retailers can charge as little as they like for certain games - opening up the field for deals on download games.

This is the most interesting bit for, would almost completely negate any need for eShop sales directly if retailers could just do it instead.

Am very glad to see Nintendo treat Retail and digital distribution equally. The Latter as a priority is just stupid.

I think that portables are perfect for full downloadable titles. Smaller game file sizes, upgradeable and separate storage via flash cards, and you can have all your games with you when you are on the go.

That's one of the reasons the pirate-cards on DS were so popular- because they were extremely convenient. Nintendo can easily capitalize on this.

While it should really be a bit cheaper (just -the retail, box and distro price), in either case this is great.

a) We can have our game collection with us all the time rather then needing to carry lots of losable cards.

b) Much more incentive to release games all regions - they just need the translation cost, not the cost of making 10,000 cards and shipping them when they might not sale. Less risk = More incentive to give all regions all games at least virtualy.

c) Confirms almost certainly that download game makers have massive amounts more space.

d) We will have access to buy all the games all the time - no hunting down obscure titles they didnt make many off!

I dont see retail going away any time soon - and I certainly would like a retail copy to include a download one. But other then that this is a great leap forward.
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I'd love not having to switch game cards all the time! And giving stores the option to sell the codes for discount prices is great... I rarely buy my games for full price. It's one of the reasons I've only bought 2 WiiWare games: they're too expensive and never on sale.

Cool, don't think i'd get a digital copy of NSMB 2 because I wouldn't be able to share it with my bro

But I think for games like Animal Crossing and the next 3DS Pokemon games these would work well at being digital. Those game are not generally shared (what with the whole single save thing) and games like animal crossing work better for quick 15min plays.

( Edited 27.04.2012 14:52 by Mr James2t3 )



so-called digital download sales

whoa he mad

( Edited 27.04.2012 15:42 by SuperLink )

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I like owning physical copies of games, but I must admit all the games I've already got take up a lot of space.

Bying digitally means I won't need to take up any more space with games. It also means I can carry all my games around with me which is a plus. It's a dilemma for me though, 'cause I really do like to physically own it.

What would be fantastic, is if Nintendo also put the back catalogue of original DS games in their E-shop too.

Trepe said:

What would be fantastic, is if Nintendo also put the back catalogue of original DS games in their E-shop too.

That would be good, but only if they get them working with street passmode, it kinda sucks that DS games basically turn off all 3DS features and lacks access to the home menu.

"Iwata didn't highlight whether purchasing a retail copy entitled players to a virtual/download edition as well, though one would assume the format would take on an either/or policy."

Now that would be incredible!

Ehm, that would mean you got 2 games for the price of 1. It will never happen.

Canyarion said:
Ehm, that would mean you got 2 games for the price of 1. It will never happen.

Yeah, I doubt this would happen, people would end up buying it, redeeming the digital version then selling the physical game back.

Mr James2t3 said:
Canyarion said:
Ehm, that would mean you got 2 games for the price of 1. It will never happen.

Yeah, I doubt this would happen, people would end up buying it, redeeming the digital version then selling the physical game back.

I would like that option. The only way Nintendo could get around people doing that is if they somehow tied the digital to the retail version. Some kind of code system or something.

It happened with Portal 2, but it's not really Nintendo's ballgame to give away loads of free stuff for no real reason like Valve do.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
It happened with Portal 2, but it's not really Nintendo's ballgame to give away loads of free stuff for no real reason like Valve do.

Surely, if you've bought the retail version they aren't giving you anything for free. It's done with Bluray discs all the time. Buy the Bluray & get the digital version too. You've already payed out for the full retail version of it, so it's a bit much to ask you to pay twice for the same thing.

Trepe said:
Surely, if you've bought the retail version they aren't giving you anything for free. It's done with Bluray discs all the time. Buy the Bluray & get the digital version too. You've already payed out for the full retail version of it, so it's a bit much to ask you to pay twice for the same thing.

I suppose that's true.
You never know maybe Nintendo will do something like that, probably won't make a big habit of it though.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
It happened with Portal 2, but it's not really Nintendo's ballgame to give away loads of free stuff for no real reason like Valve do.

Valve very much have a reason to give those games away, they get you to install steam.
Which means you may end up buying more stuff through their store rather than competing digital stores.

I heard that digital and physical are gonna be the same price so you are really only paying for convenience. I rather have the box version to add to my collection.

Pardon_Me said:
I heard that digital and physical are gonna be the same price so you are really only paying for convenience. I rather have the box version to add to my collection.

You have 3 choices.

Buy and download directly from eShop at Nintendo's price.

Buy physical cartridge from retail, retailers will set the price.

Buy download code from retail, retailers will set the price.

( Edited 03.05.2012 01:02 by Mr James2t3 )

vetal (guest) 21.06.2012#22

mario is the bestSmilieSmilie

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