Dragon Quest X Box Art and Screens

By Pip 17.06.2012 7

Dragon Quest X Box Art and Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The box art for Square Enix's upcoming Wii title Dragon Quest X has been released along with some new screens. This role-play game is the next installment of the popular Dragon Quest series and will also be available on the Wii U with Nintendo 3DS connectivity. The game is subscription based and comes with 20 days of free online play.

Square Enix is also set to host a period of free game time for children called 'Kids Time'. Based on a system of honesty, children will be able to play for free between 4pm and 6pm on weekdays and 1pm and 3pm on weekends.

Check out the box art here:

Image for Dragon Quest X Box Art and Screens

And the new screens:

Image for Dragon Quest X Box Art and Screens

Image for Dragon Quest X Box Art and Screens

Image for Dragon Quest X Box Art and Screens

Image for Dragon Quest X Box Art and Screens

Image for Dragon Quest X Box Art and Screens

Image for Dragon Quest X Box Art and Screens

Image for Dragon Quest X Box Art and Screens

Image for Dragon Quest X Box Art and Screens

Dragon Quest X is set to be released in Japan on 2nd August 2012.

Box art for Dragon Quest X Online

Square Enix


Square Enix


Real Time RPG



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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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I think the 'Kids Time' idea will definitely help sales, since the last two MMORPGs from Square Enix failed because people didn't want to be forced to play their favourite RPG with extra charges applied.

It's also interesting that Wii has Kirby's Dream Collection and Just Dance Wii 2 (the localised version of JD3, worked on with Nintendo's help and publishing power) in the two weeks prior to DQX's release, helping to squeeze more Wii sales onto the market and resurrect the system somewhat before S-E's powerhouse hits home, complete with special bundle.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

So this is coming to Wii U as well? Hmm... I wonder how that will play out.

Yep I'm DEFINTALY LOVING the Merfolk Rouge class. I'd like to get this for Wii U, I'm sure the Wii version will sell just fine but it'd be VERY nice if U players van have access to Wii & Wii U servers both!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

There are some saying it will struggle to sell more than a few hundred thousand in Japan, but then again even a collection of old NES/SNES ROMs sold 400,000 last year, as did the DQM spin-off, and Dragon Quest Swords managed 500,000. What we have here, despite being an MMORPG, is the sequel to the 4.6 million-selling DS game DQIX!

Wii may also seem dead in Japan, but it didn't stop Just Dance Wii, Kirby Wii and Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise from hitting 600,000+ recently. The sheer userbase can help this hit big numbers.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Personal speculation here; I don't believe Nintendo/S-Enix will bother localizing this version, as the Wii is pretty much on its last legs everywhere outside of Japan. Instead they'll bring the Wii U version overseas and use it as an example of how much more improved their online space is going to be and a prime example of MMOs on consoles. Plus like Monster Hunter before it, it'll be completely free. Smilie

Am looking forward to seeing the polish of the Wii U version screens; it'll definitely be an up-port but it should still look pretty good. Smilie

Our member of the week

Maybe Wii won't see its sales number rise by much if all the consumers interested in this specific episode already own a Wii though... But software sales should hit the million at least IMHO, it's too big a series over there for a numbered entry to fail to sell well.

Phoenixus said:
Personal speculation here; I don't believe Nintendo/S-Enix will bother localizing this version, as the Wii is pretty much on its last legs everywhere outside of Japan. Instead they'll bring the Wii U version overseas and use it as an example of how much more improved their online space is going to be and a prime example of MMOs on consoles. Plus like Monster Hunter before it, it'll be completely free. Smilie

I can imagine exactly the same thing happening indeed Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Maybe Wii won't see its sales number rise by much if all the consumers interested in this specific episode already own a Wii though... But software sales should hit the million at least IMHO, it's too big a series over there for a numbered entry to fail to sell well.

Phoenixus said:
Personal speculation here; I don't believe Nintendo/S-Enix will bother localizing this version, as the Wii is pretty much on its last legs everywhere outside of Japan. Instead they'll bring the Wii U version overseas and use it as an example of how much more improved their online space is going to be and a prime example of MMOs on consoles. Plus like Monster Hunter before it, it'll be completely free. Smilie

I can imagine exactly the same thing happening indeed Smilie.


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