Project X Zone Dated in Japan; New Characters Revealed

By Az Elias 26.06.2012 7

Project X Zone Dated in Japan; New Characters Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Famitsu has revealed that Nintendo 3DS crossover strategy fighter Project X Zone will be released in Japan on October 11.

Additionally, new characters were also announced:

  • Imca (Valkyria Chronicles 3)
  • Arthur (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
  • Rikiya Busujima (Zombie Revenge)
  • Fren (Tales of Vesperia)
  • Devilotte (Cyberbots)
Two original characters will accompany these lot: Kogoro and Mii Ouryuuji.

Via: Andriasang

Box art for Project X Zone



Namco Bandai





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Wow, A character from zombie revenge, that's a series that I first met in arcades and paid no attention to when a zombie picked up my shotgun and killed me. They're really grasping out to other series when I see something I haven't seen since the Dreamcast era.


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SuperLink said:

Looks to me like they're only using Humanoid characters, ergo no Sonic. Could be wrong though. Kinda nice to see a game representing Sega that doesn't have Sonic. Smilie

Better question SuperLink, WHERE'S...FELICIA!!?

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Jay (guest) 28.06.2012#5

I haven't been keeping up any breath of fire or skies of arcadia characters confirmed?

Jay (guest) said:
I haven't been keeping up any breath of fire or skies of arcadia characters confirmed?

Nothing confirmed so far...

Sheeh Ryu has been in as many games as Mario in the last year.

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