Goblin DLC for Trine 2 Included with Wii U Version, New Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.08.2012 7

Goblin DLC for Trine 2 Included with Wii U Version, New Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The folk behind upcoming Wii U launch title Trine 2: Director's Cut has confirmed DLC off the shelf.

Forzenbyte has announced an expansion pack for release this Autumn on existing platforms and Steam. Known as "Goblin Menace", it will include six additional stages and new skills transferrable to the main game.

The studio also confirmed that the Wii U edition will include the pack as standard on the disc itself.

Trine 2: Goblin Menace is an expansion that we wanted to cultivate with a lot of time, effort and love. We feel this expansion is our best work to date - Lauri Hyvärinen, Frozenbyte CEO

Box art for Trine 2





2D Platformer



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Expected with it being the definitive version.

Was this also a disc game on the other platforms? I was looking forward to paying an eShop price for it.

It's a digital game on all other consoles. I assumed it was an eShop game for Wii U too, but could be both that and retail..?

Azuardo said:
It's a digital game on all other consoles. I assumed it was an eShop game for Wii U too, but could be both that and retail..?
I assumed it was a digital release on Wii U too. Strange how it's gonna be a retail release..

Some developers will just never learn. I can already see how this goes:

"We took all this time to port the game and even put it on disc. We charged €50 for it instead of €15 on other systems... and it didn't sell! Nintendo machines suck, only 1st party titles sell well. We're never releasing anything on Wii U again!"

Searched around but haven't seen any evidence of it being a retail release. All signs point to online.

Azuardo said:
Searched around but haven't seen any evidence of it being a retail release. All signs point to online.

Which would be no different to what XBL & PSN have access to. Don't get me wrong a disc would be GREAT but a DL game with all current DLC INCLUDED at no extra charge is fine too. Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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