Rumour: PDP Accidentally Leak Wii U Release Date, Denies Claims

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.08.2012 4

Rumour: PDP Accidentally Leak Wii U Release Date, Denies Claims on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A presentation from gaming peripheral maker PDP may have inadvertently leaked the Wii U's North American launch date.

The company spoke on Monday at a GameStop managers' conference on all the goodies that'll be available to retailers this fall season. With the Wii U expected before the end of the year, a matching set of accessories was expected - and according to two anonymous sources at the event, during the presentation it was clearly stated that Wii U accessories would be "available ahead of the WiiU's November 18th release date".

Since then PDP has denied the leaks, noting how the company has "no knowledge whatsoever of the official Wii U release date", and claimed that the attendees could have mistaken the November 18 launch date for Epic Mickey 2: The Power of 2.

Much later in the presentation we showed our Epic Mickey 2: The Power of 2 accessories for the Wii and confirmed that the Wii accessories will be in stores by the game's November 18 launch date. Connecting the Wii U launch and Epic Mickey 2 peripheral launch dates is inaccurate and false.

Nintendo, as you would expect, "have nothing to announce at this time."

Both sources maintain that the November 18th date was clearly specified. It does fall directly before Thanksgiving/Black Friday in the US, so certainly a likely candidate - give or take a few days.

Nintendo of America are expected to reveal all during a press event next month, yet there won't be a European event at this time.

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The week after for Europe then?

nry (guest) 28.08.2012#2

Well, if Epic Mickey 2 is due on November 18th, then it would be silly if the WiiU wasn't released on or before that date...whether they accidentally stuffed up in their presentation or not Smilie

Our member of the week

Wasn't November 18th the release date for the original Wii, in North America, in 2006? The could be aiming at replicating the same release dates this time around as well? December 8th for Europe anyone?

EDIT: Ah sorry, that was November 19th. Well maybe a similar delay for Europe this time around as well then Smilie.

( Edited 28.08.2012 19:13 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Wasn't November 18th the release date for the original Wii, in North America, in 2006? The could be aiming at replicating the same release dates this time around as well? December 8th for Europe anyone?

EDIT: Ah sorry, that was November 19th. Well maybe a similar delay for Europe this time around as well then Smilie.

This actually makes sense though. The Wii released on November 19 2006, which was a Sunday. November 18 this year is also a Sunday (and Nintendo tends to put out their bigger releases on Sundays in general).

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