3PM Thursday - Europe's Wii U Presentation

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.09.2012 7

3PM Thursday - Europe

Nintendo have confirmed details on a video presentation that aims to delve deeper into the Wii U experience for Europe.

Details for what the event would entail were rather scarce, with Nintendo's email noting how the company's European president Satoru Shibata will "take a closer look" at the system. Expect footage of games to play from day one, and more than likely a release date for the Wii U.

Alarm clocks and sick notes at the ready folks, the presentation is due to kick off at 3pm GMT Thursday 13 September on an Internet-enabled device or computer near you at the Nintendo Direct website.

Update: Nintendo have confirmed via twitter that they will be announcing the price and launch date of the Wii U on Nintendo Direct presentation. 

Good evening [Iwata], is Nintendo's Iwata. Than 16 hours on Thursday, 13 tomorrow, will be broadcast on the Internet "sale presentation on Wii U". Happy to announce the price and release date and other information of body Wii U.

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So is this before or after the U.S. event? Or are they at the same time?

NNID: crackedthesky
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4pm for non-UK/Ireland/Portugal, right?

This is supposed to take place at the same time as the US one. I heard.

Canyarion said:
4pm for non-UK/Ireland/Portugal, right?

This is supposed to take place at the same time as the US one. I heard.

UK, Ireland and Portugal are all in the same time zone. 3pm for all in this case.

Canyarion said:
4pm for non-UK/Ireland/Portugal, right?

This is supposed to take place at the same time as the US one. I heard.

The U.S one is at 5pm UK time.

Azuardo said:
Canyarion said:
4pm for non-UK/Ireland/Portugal, right?

This is supposed to take place at the same time as the US one. I heard.

UK, Ireland and Portugal are all in the same time zone. 3pm for all in this case.

I think that's what he meant, it's 4pm for anyone who's an hour ahead, and then add time or deduct time for the others.

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Oh fuck I have such a hard time thinking of a bigger faget than "Reggie". What a waste of food.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far apart...you're always in my heart. Love u!

Jeez, you guys sure hate spelling mistakes. Thanks for the p messages on the spelling of 'faggot'. I should use Google next time - it must take you a lot of energy correcting me so passionately. Thx, and bless you all.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far apart...you're always in my heart. Love u!

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