Etrian Odyssey IV Heads to US on Nintendo 3DS

By Adam Riley 04.10.2012 1

Etrian Odyssey IV Heads to US on Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

ATLUS today unveiled plans to localise and publish Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan, the latest entry in the long-running RPG franchise designed as a contemporary homage to the pen and paper roleplaying games of old.

Marking the series' arrival on the Nintendo 3DS, Legends of the Titan introduces a wide range of enhancements and additions, including a greatly improved graphics engine with polygonal enemies and special effects designed to take full advantage of the platform's unique 3D capabilities. As with previous games in the series, players explore beautiful yet menacing realms - each varied in flora and fauna - mapping their journey along the way using the touch screen and their stylus. No two games are ever the same, thanks to a character creation and party customization system that encourages experimentation and rewards creativity and imagination. Moreover, while Legends of the Titan - built with older hardcore gamers in mind -- is still a brutal challenge and not for the faint of heart, a new Casual mode option ensures newcomers to the series and genre need not be intimidated.

Image for Etrian Odyssey IV Heads to US on Nintendo 3DS

The Etrian Odyssey series is an enduring love letter to a bygone era, a time when the thrill of adventure; the rewards of imagination; and the satisfaction of true challenge could truly transport gamers to another world. While Legends of the Titan continues to be a bridge to that past, the series now enjoys its most technologically sophisticated foray yet. Enemies are rendered in 3D and practically pounce out of the Nintendo 3DS at the player. The areas to be explored and mapped have never been as intricately detailed and memorably vibrant. The wondrous music of Yuzo Koshiro is back, fully orchestrated and as epic as ever. At the risk of sounding oxymoronic, we're proud to bring our fans the newest, most exciting old school CRPG throwback yet!
- Aram Jabbari, Manager of Public Relations and Sales at Index Digital Media, Inc.

Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan is scheduled to launch in early 2013, exclusively for Nintendo 3DS.

Box art for Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan





Turn Based RPG



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I've tried really hard to like the first two Etrian Odysseys, but I just can't seem to get excited about them. I feel like I'm missing out on something, but maybe I've just played too many RPGs.

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