Albums for E.X. Troopers, Monster Hunter and Okami Incoming

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.10.2012 2

Albums for E.X. Troopers, Monster Hunter and Okami Incoming on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have confirmed plans to release three new albums towards the end of the year in Japan, including Monster Hunter and Okami.

There's something special about Capcom's compositions that resonate with fans - the sublime orchestrations, foot-tapping basslines and memorable melodies. To celebrate these score behind various franchises, the Japanese studio is releasing three new albums.

Monster Hunter Hunting Music Festival
A recording of the Orchestra Concert 2012 on 2 discs, out December 5th with over 30 tracks for 3,675 Yen.

Image for Albums for E.X. Troopers, Monster Hunter and Okami Incoming

Due October 31st, the CD contains 12 songs for 3,150 Yen.

Image for Albums for E.X. Troopers, Monster Hunter and Okami Incoming

E.X. Troopers
Due out on November 21st, a single disc with 20 songs for 2,415 Yen.

Image for Albums for E.X. Troopers, Monster Hunter and Okami Incoming

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At first I was like "Yay"!! But then I saw...only 12 tracks?!?! I'm pretty sure Okami's OST is like 5+ hours long. What, is capcom gonna release dlc for albums too now?!

Nintendo needs to do this with their Symphony of the Goddesses concert. Why am I listening to crappy fa-recordings of those gorgeous songs?

I hope they'll do it once the tour stops. Oh but before that I hope they'll tour Europe!

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