Poll: Which Pokémon Black 2 or White 2 Starter Are You?

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.10.2012 3

Poll: Which Pokémon Black 2 or White 2 Starter Are You? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Whether you've already started your new Pokémon adventure or are thinking of doing so, the question remains: Which starter to choose from?

The choices at the beginning of Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 are the same as the original games - The slithery, elegant grass-type Snivy, the brutal yet adorable fire type Tepig and the cool and quirky water-type Oshawott.

Will you be using a different starter this time round? Or keeping to the same as the previous Poké-incarnation? Have your say in our poll below.

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As I just mentioned in the very fabulous official thread (untz untz untz shameless plugs it's a party at least i want it to be a party come one come all) Smilie Smilie Smilie

I went for Snivy last time only to find out the Serperior's movepool is a little lacking.. this time I'm going for Osha Smilie  it's a bit more meek like me too you see.

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Damn..this reminded me, I'm actually getting it on Monday and haven't decided yet. I had all three in White (restarted over and over and traded them to a friend via online and back) and didn't like any of them all that much. Emboar and Samurott are very slow and while Serperior is fast, it has crappy offensive stats. Far from sweeper material unfortunately, so I might just get a Growlithe (pretty sure they're catchable early on from what I've seen) and ditch whatever starter I pick for it.

I chose Snivy for both Black and its sequel but I'm thinking I should have went for Oshawott this time.. But I'm too far into the game to be assed to restart it again.

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