First Wii U Advert Airs in the UK - GamePad and Off-TV Play

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.10.2012 13

First Wii U Advert Airs in the UK - GamePad and Off-TV Play on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo UK began the pre-launch campaign for the Wii U with the first airing of the TV advert with reasons on why the GamePad is different.

Initially set to air during the mass TV spectacle that is Saturday night X-Factor, the 60 second Wii U demonstration instead slipped into the later night viewing during an ad-break for Homeland on Channel 4. This time, the main focus on the sole player - demonstrating the benefits of the controller - touch screen play, off-TV play, using the second screen to sniff out extra detail.

A handful of upcoming launch games are also shown, including New Super Mario Bros U, Nintendo Land, Mass Effect 3 and Batman: Arkham City.


What do you think of Nintendo UK's initial approach and debut TV advertising?

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I find that Off-TV play isn't very well explained for people who have never heard of it before... And we could have done without the *shbing shbing shbing shbing shbing* XD.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I like it for the initial advert, but it definitely needs to come across less gimmicky - I know they said "New console, new controller", but it does come across a bit tacky and not so informative for those who haven't got a clue about the new setup.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Pew! Pew! Pew!

Okay, I cringed at that.

For a first glimpse it definitely wasn't a bad ad, I like that they establish that it isn't a Wii add-on straight away. Nintendo will need to keep this up though; for print ads on the sides of bus stop huts and stuff they'd be wise not to omit a picture of the machine.

Yep - the whole "New Console, New Controller" has to be on practically everything - it's a little unsettling but a strong campaign can really do the business.

Still think they missed a trick with omitting DVD/Blu-Ray support - I know it would have increased costs, but the off-TV play would have been strengthened by that imo.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Anyone else find it interesting that they didn't mention "Nintendo" even once in the whole advert? You can only just barely see their logo on the boxes at the end, otherwise it's just the "Wii U". Perhaps they have so much faith in the Wii brand that they don't feel the need to say that this is the new Nintendo console?

That said, am I the only one here who finds it hard to judge these adverts? Obviously they're not aimed at us at all since we get all the information we need ourselves and people who buy consoles when seeing adverts might think differently.

'speeng...speeng speeng speeng!' haha that was actually brilliant - made me laugh. I think the advert was nicely balanced in terms of appeal and games. But those last few games didn't look too great(the ports). I don't remember them so washed too hot like that. The Batman one in particular looked more like 'The gray knight rises' to me.

( Edited 22.10.2012 08:48 by God )

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

Hmm on second look it's actually Mass Effect that looked worse.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

jb said:
Yep - the whole "New Console, New Controller" has to be on practically everything - it's a little unsettling but a strong campaign can really do the business.

Still think they missed a trick with omitting DVD/Blu-Ray support - I know it would have increased costs, but the off-TV play would have been strengthened by that imo.

Yeah, blu-ray would have been great, would have allowed them to switch to the smaller cases too to save manufacturing costs, but hopefully the video services like Netflix and Youtube will offset the lack of disc media playback. I'd be surprised if they didn't advertise that when it's ready.

The advert is a terrible fail for Nintendo, this should be the thing they place on there website, not on television.

Do you remember the original Wii adverts or the XBOX 360 ones.  They had an element of this is how the console works but what made it revolutionary.

This just fails to clearly demonstrate what the real potential is but doesn't capitalize on any specific area because of the annoying voice over!!! 

Felt like I was waiting for some TOWIE stars to stroll onto the screen!

" class='fmlink' target="_blank">

To be honest it looked a bit meh, I think they should have left mario bros out of the advertising as it looks just like a wii game. If you want to differentiate and show something new, don't advertise something we can play on the DS. Also the throwing shurikens bit, just makes it look gimmicky, they should have shown some of the ways arkham city is using it. I really hope they don't just send the Wonderful 101 out to die like Project Zero and Pandora's Tower.

Hmm, that was a bit tacky.  The voice-over guy was perhaps not the best choice, and I concur with the 'pwee pwee pwee' comments below, it was a little cheaper than it could have been.

Perhaps gets the idea across, but as well as it could have?  Nope...

Dissapointed, considering the advert was after the watershed (is Homeland after 9?) either way, as its on late, it seems Nintendo wanted to appeal to the "action/thriller" type, why not show how Call of Duty worked on there, Zombii U and Batman Arkham Asylum, save the younger appealed games for ad breaks during the day.

Likewise if they were to advertise on the Xfactor then put in some singing game/dance game. 

Its not rocket science...hit the demograph thats watching at the time!

Lame voice over guy...and lame "pew pew pew" noises make this advert an epic fail for me.


Lame advert.

Nintendo Direct on Thursday

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