Japanese Chart Update | Sony Dominating 2004 So Far

By Adam Riley 29.01.2004 1

Japanese Hardware & Software...
...25th January, 2004!

Hardware Chart - This Week | Year Total

1.) PlayStation 2 - 51,000 | 443,500
2.) Game Boy Advance SP - 46,800 | 400,400
3.) GameCube - 13,200 | 234,300
4.) Game Boy Advance - 6,300 | 60,100

5.) XBOX - 1,000 | 8,500
6.) PSone - 580 | 3,600

Software Chart - This Week | Total Sales

1.) Fuun Shinsen Gumi (PS2) - 129,400 | NEW
2.) Phantom Brave (PS2) - 97,400 | NEW
3.) Gyakuten Saiban III (GBA) 90,000 | NEW
4.) Star Ocean 3 Director's Cut (PS2) - 79,100 | NEW
5.) Mega Man EXE 4 Tournament Red Sun (GBA) - 19,400 | 399,500
6.) Mega Man EXE 4 Tournament Blue Moon (GBA) - 16,700 | 360,600

7.) Gran Turismo 4 Prologue Version (PS2) - 16,500 | 739,000
8.) Everybody's Golf 4 (PS2) - 14,400 | 1,040,100
9.) Uchuu no Stellvia (PS2) - 12,200 | NEW
10.) Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (GC) - 9,900 | 732,200

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