Check out the First Wii U Tekken-Branded Arcade Controller

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.10.2012 4

Check out the First Wii U Tekken-Branded Arcade Controller on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Peripheral maker Hori has revealed the first arcade stick for Nintendo's upcoming Wii U console.

To compliment Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition and future fighting/arcade releases, the controller incudes the traditional red-knobbed stick, eight chunky face buttons, configuration switches, Wii-specific buttons plus of course the Tekken branding.

According to Siliconera it simply hooks up, wirelessly, to the Wii U like the Wii U Pro Controller. It'll be available alongside the launch of the console in Japan for 7,980 yen (£61/$100).

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"hooks up, wirelessly, to the Wii U like the Classic Controller Pro"
Ehm... the Classic Controller Pro doesn't hook up wirelessly. Smilie

Canyarion said:
"hooks up, wirelessly, to the Wii U like the Classic Controller Pro"
Ehm... the Classic Controller Pro doesn't hook up wirelessly. Smilie

Edited to say Wii U Pro Controller.

Oh come on peeps, I do so much news that there's bound to be a few errors or two Smilie

Looks neat though, I'm not a fan of arcade boards but this is a solid start. Hoping for tonnes more fighters on the system - Soul Calibur is a must!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Oh I thought the mistake was made on the site you linked to. If I knew it was your mistake, I would have brought it a bit nicer. Smilie

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