Call of Duty Wii U Lacks YouTube Streaming, Does Include DLC

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.11.2012 10

Call of Duty Wii U Lacks YouTube Streaming, Does Include DLC on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After much uncertainty, the Wii U version of Call of Duty: Black Ops II has confirmed to support downloadable content.

DLC support has yet to be confirmed by publisher Activision officially, however the box packaging has confirmed that the players can take part in online games, access add-on content, leaderboards and chat online.

The Wii U edition apparently doesn't come with the bonus Nuketown 2025 map, but there are rumblings that players can download it by using a code.

In related news, the YouTube live-streaming capability in the PS3/Xbox 360 editions will not be available on Wii U at launch, but is "being evaluated for a future update", says an Activision representative. The recently announced feature allows players to showcase gameplay by streaming live onto YouTube from the game itself.

It's uncertain how much content from the other editions will be included in the Wii U version when it hits store shelves as Activision are "working with Nintendo on the possibility of releasing the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 DLC Map Packs and the DLC Season Pass".

Box art for Call of Duty: Black Ops II





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To be honest is youtube streaming really something 99% of people buying black ops are gonna use.

Only the braggers who want to show of their "skills".

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Nuketown 2025 is a DLC code thing for all platforms. Weird that the 'U isn't getting all the content. I've got my PS3 Hardened Edition coming next week! W00t!

The box for Black Ops for Wii also says it supports DLC but it doesn't, so I need more convincing.

NNID: crackedthesky
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JayUK said:
To be honest is youtube streaming really something 99% of people buying black ops are gonna use.

I dunno, could have some fun uses. For example, instead of commenting on the game, you could be commenting on a football match or something. There's also ample opportunity for outright comedy.

Vorash Kadan said:
Only the braggers who want to show of their "skills".

You're just pissed because it isn't in your version. It's a feature, and a pretty cool feature at that. It's not like it's a plus that the Wii U version doesn't have it. It's a minus.

Anyway, got my confirmation email today saying mine has been sent!

( Edited 11.11.2012 06:51 by Martin_ )

Josh (guest) 11.11.2012#6

Martin_ said:
You're just pissed because it isn't in your version. It's a feature, and a pretty cool feature at that. It's not like it's a plus that the Wii U version doesn't have it. It's a minus.

Or - here's a thought - it's a feature that he won't use so he doesn't care if it's in or not. Did you think of it that way? Of course you did(!)
It's a minus to some people, but not everybody wants to use it. I'm getting it on 360, and I can also say that it isn't something that I will use because I'm not on YouTube, and I don't intend to be. You don't have to make such immature comments just because you're getting something that someone else isn't. That's just childish.

( Edited 11.11.2012 13:14 by Azuardo )

Josh (guest) said:
Or - here's a thought - it's a feature that he won't use so he doesn't care if it's in or not. Did you think of it that way? Of course you did(!)
It's a minus to some people, but not everybody wants to use it. I'm getting it on 360, and I can also say that it isn't something that I will use because I'm not on YouTube, and I don't intend to be. You don't have to make such immature comments just because you're getting something that someone else isn't. That's just childish.

You've got to know the history. Kodan has a history of being 'mightier than thou' and being a self-proclaimed fountain of knowledge when it comes to gaming. "I KNOW games" and all that. I was talking about live commentary, which I also probably won't use. However, it's a feature, and if I want to see what it's all about - I can. He can't, and he's pissed about that.

I just got my copy of CoD:Black Ops II for Wii U from Amazon on Friday!

If only I didn't have to wait until Nov. 18 to play it...

justonesp00lturn said:
The box for Black Ops for Wii also says it supports DLC but it doesn't, so I need more convincing.

That's bad if you can't get the DLC.

I'm not a massive fan of Call of Duty but it's a shame if Wii U owners can't have this feature. This looks like the most ambitious CoD yet, and so it would be annoying if the version that I would get wouldn't have every feature.
Live streaming to YouTube is a very good idea, and I'd like to see it implemented into other games as well. Maybe games like Street Fighter, Tekken or FIFA could be streamed to make it easier to get videos online. I've been thinking about doing this for a while now, but having this feature in-game seems a lot better than having to buy an £80 capture-card to get good quality videos up.

( Edited 12.11.2012 17:05 by Lew3107 )

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