Teaser Trailer for Etrian Odyssey IV on 3DS

By Adam Riley 27.11.2012

Teaser Trailer for Etrian Odyssey IV on 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Continuing to build the hype for the fourth entry into the popular dungeon RPG series, Atlus USA is back after the Thanksgiving period with a teaser trailer for Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan for the Nintendo 3DS. Although not out in the US until 26th February, 2013, the Atlus team is doing what it does best -- getting the fans excited slowly-but-surely.

Check out the trailer below:


For centuries, the tree Yggdrasil has been a constant presence in the lives of the people of Tharsis. It looms on the horizon, visible from everywhere in the city. But its roots are in a far-off land where no one has ventured until the Outland Count of Tharsis sponsors an Explorers Guild to reach Yggdrasil and discover its secrets. You are the latest explorer arriving in Tharsis to seek your fame and fortune. Board your skyship and set out into the clouds in search of treasure, glory, and the answer to Tharsis' oldest mystery.

Celebrate the tradition of classic pen and paper role-playing games by using the bottom touch screen to chart out your path, create maps, and identify the dangers you have encountered. A deep character creation and party customisation system encourages experimentation and rewards creativity and imagination. Etrian Odyssey IV is packed with improvements and content including an enhanced graphics engine; upgradeable and customisable skyships that let players travel and battle amid the clouds; an exceedingly atmospheric and fully orchestrated musical score from Yuzo Koshiro; expanded, more immersive 3D dungeons with analog camera control; and guild card + character trading functionality via StreetPass.

Box art for Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan





Turn Based RPG



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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