Snowboard Xtreme Heads to Nintendo DSiWare

By Adam Riley 29.11.2012

Snowboard Xtreme Heads to Nintendo DSiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Spanish developer EnjoyUp Games has announced Snowboard Xtreme on Nintendo DSiWare, with the game available on DSi and DSi XL systems, as well as through the Nintendo 3DS eShop service.

In Snowboard Xtreme, players plough through the snow in extremely dangerous settings. The game offers a race against the clock through a stage filled with dangers in which a lot of skill will be needed because time is flowing away quickly. To become a champion, full advantage of the terrain must be taken, plus earning extra time is possible by passing through a course's flags without error. Additionally, there is a local ranking system in place for comparing levels of skill against friends and family.

Image for Snowboard Xtreme Heads to Nintendo DSiWare

The first screens of Snowboard Xtreme can be found in the media folder below.

Box art for Snowboard Xtreme








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