Mega Man 1-6 to Slide onto the Nintendo 3DS eShop

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.12.2012 9

Mega Man 1-6 to Slide onto the Nintendo 3DS eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Calling all Mega Man fans - The first six games will be re-released on the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console eShop from next week.

The series blasted through six titles on the NES, and all these will become available to buy and download on your 3DS console starting from the blue bomber's debut, Mega Man, on December 27th. The second and argably on of the finest Mega Man titles will follow shortly after on February 7th, with the remaining games released at various points next year.

Are you a fan of the Mega Man series - Which of the six NES titles are your favourites?

Box art for Mega Man





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Anonymous (guest) 17.12.2012#1

They should release them all as well as the SNES MegaMan 7 and GBA MegaMan and Bass on a 3DS retail collection Cart like they did on the Gamecube. The 3DS Virtual Console was supposed to be for older Handhelds but Nintendo keeps importing from Wii's 8 bit VC  to the 3DS one at a time and as a result we are not getting any more Gamegear games.

yeah i don't really subscribe to nintendo's whole trickle the old games out really slowly philosophy. All their downloadable retro games should be available across all 3 platforms. Publishers can bring attention to their games through special offers.

Anonymous (guest) said:
They should release them all as well as the SNES MegaMan 7 and GBA MegaMan and Bass on a 3DS retail collection Cart like they did on the Gamecube. The 3DS Virtual Console was supposed to be for older Handhelds but Nintendo keeps importing from Wii's 8 bit VC  to the 3DS one at a time and as a result we are not getting any more Gamegear games.
Spot on. Such a shame Nintendo really fucked the whole VC side of things up. I appreciate the service even existing, but it's really not been put to use properly.

Yeah the trickle is way too slow in general, seems like it'll be really slow for MegaMan too.
Also correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't one of the MegaMan games already available on eShop in Europe? Or is this news for both US and EU?

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SuperLink said:
Yeah the trickle is way too slow in general, seems like it'll be really slow for MegaMan too.
Also correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't one of the MegaMan games already available on eShop in Europe? Or is this news for both US and EU?
Far as I'm aware, this news is for North America. Correct me if I'm wrong, someone.

I played MMxSF earlier. For like 5 minutes. Kept getting hit off the ladders on the second screen and turned it off. cbfa with that.

Azuardo said:
Far as I'm aware, this news is for North America. Correct me if I'm wrong, someone.

Yeah it must be, I just checked and MM1 is already out on EU eShop.

I played MMxSF earlier. For like 5 minutes. Kept getting hit off the ladders on the second screen and turned it off. cbfa with that.

About 10 mins for me but the same sort of thing happened, however tons of people are enjoying it so I put it down to me sucking at classic MM games.

( Edited 17.12.2012 23:35 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
About 10 mins for me but the same sort of thing happened, however tons of people are enjoying it so I put it down to me sucking at classic MM games.
This is the only reason for me. Those games are tough. Tough to the point that I can't be arsed to go through them, despite knowing they're very good games. And the fact I find Mega Man moves too slow and frustratingly. CBA.

Azuardo said:
SuperLink said:
About 10 mins for me but the same sort of thing happened, however tons of people are enjoying it so I put it down to me sucking at classic MM games.
This is the only reason for me. Those games are tough. Tough to the point that I can't be arsed to go through them, despite knowing they're very good games. And the fact I find Mega Man moves too slow and frustratingly. CBA.

I am a classic MM fan, and I have to say the SFxMM game holds true in some cases, but is a bit contrived with it's asshole-ness.

There are some parts in most levels that just scream contrived asshole enemy placement. And although those parts were present in older games, it was more of a hardware limitation/game design thing, as opposed to, "This will totally make the player get hit! Right here! Perfect!"

So I find the game has more of a focus on enemy placement than it does with creative level design. But that being said, I mean there were worse MM games out there. MM6 for example. And this one is full of cross over fun! Great style, great music! And the boss battles are great!

You wanna go here if you likes Prons. [url]

They're just getting to The Lost Levels... won't see GBA until 2014 at least >_<

Anyway, it's about fucking time, worthless Capcorn

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