Pandora's Tower Wii Confirmed for North America Release

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.01.2013 5


North American gamers who have been desperately waiting to play Pandora's Tower without importing a copy can rest easy and save those dollars - Pandora's Tower has been confirmed for release.

Thanks to the efforts of publisher Xseed Games and online campaigners Operation Rainfall, the highly anticipated Nintendo Wii game will finally grace North American shores.

A tale of unfortunate circumstances, Pandora's Tower opens in the Kingdom of Elyria, where an unassuming singer named Elena succumbs to a wretched curse during a festival performance. Bearing an arcane mark on her back, she starts transforming into a savage monster, causing the town guards to attempt to kill her in order to prevent it.

A young ex-mercenary named Aeron, whose heart has forever been pledged to Elena, whisks her away in the nick of time - and with the help of a mysterious witch named Mavda, he learns what must be done to avert her wretched fate. He must descend into The Scar, a massive chasm tied down by twelve chains connected to a floating island in its center, atop which sit thirteen interconnected towers. There, he must use his sword and a sacred chain to battle his way through each tower and extract the flesh of the boss "masters" that dwell within, which Elena must consume in order to reverse her ongoing transformation. But the clock is ticking!

The longer Aeron takes to vanquish each beast, the less human Elena becomes, affecting her character and the game's final outcome in a profound manner. Time is of the essence...

Xseed had previously published another Operation Rainfall title in the states, The Last Story, to critical and financial acclaim.

We enjoyed our time with Pandora's Tower, whilst perhaps not as strong as Xenoblade Chronicles or The Last Story, the game offers a meaty action RPG experience that's highly worth considering for the Wii or Wii U.

Box art for Pandora's Tower





Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (7 Votes)

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Awesome! I wonder why they waited so long, but I'm not complaining, I really want to play this game.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Awesome! I wonder why they waited so long, but I'm not complaining, I really want to play this game.

It's a fun game. A bit weird, but in a very goo way though. Gameplay wise it, in my opinion, is a mix of some Zelda, Metroid and Castlevania. It's a bit corny story and setting wise, but it's just how it's good Smilie Just don't try to compare it to Xenoblaes and/or LAst Story though. Smilie

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

Of the three games it has the most interesting story and the best boss fights. If 5 of the towers weren't reruns of earlier ones, I would rate it higher than xenoblade and the last story. Its also the only one to make good use of the Wii's controller.

The only one I've played yet is Xenoblade (it was my first gamefly game). I thought it was good, but I shipped it back early on (a few hours in it seemed like the kind of game I'd want to buy rather than rent so I could take my time with it). Of the three Rainfall games, this one seemed the most interesting to me.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I wasn't expecting this. I hope more fan-localization things work. Can't wait to get my hands on this. 

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