Resident Evil Revelations is Coming to Nintendo Wii U in May; New Extras and Trailer

By Az Elias 22.01.2013 23

Resident Evil Revelations is Coming to Nintendo Wii U in May; New Extras and Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom UK has announced through Twitter that Resident Evil Revelations will be releasing on Wii U, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on May 21st in North America and May 24th in Europe.

The Nintendo 3DS horror fest starring Jill Valentine has been the subject of much rumour and speculation lately, with stories revealing that the game would be upgraded for the PS3 and Xbox 360. Rumours then arose of a Wii U version, and indeed, Capcom has today officially revealed that all three platforms, as well as Windows PCs, will be seeing the game in May.

Capcom has confirmed that the game will be available for digital download on the same day as the retail release on PS3 for €49.99 and PCs for €39.99. Details of digital versions on Xbox 360 and Wii U are still to be announced.

Some of the upgrades have been detailed below:

Complete with high quality HD visuals, enhanced lighting effects and an immersive sound experience, the fear that was originally brought to players in Resident Evil Revelations on the Nintendo 3DS™ system returns redefined for home consoles. Furthermore, the home console version will deliver additional content including a terrifying new enemy, extra difficulty mode and improvements to Raid Mode such as new weapons, skill sets and the opportunity to play as Hunk and other characters from the series. Raid Mode, which was first introduced to the series in the original version of Resident Evil Revelations, sees gamers play online in co-op mode or alone in single player, taking on the hordes of enemies across a variety of missions whilst levelling up characters and earning weapon upgrades.

Watch the announcement trailer:


The new enemy:

Image for Resident Evil Revelations is Coming to Nintendo Wii U in May; New Extras and Trailer

What do you make of the decision to bring Resident Evil Revelations to HD platforms? Will owners of the 3DS version double-dip? Will those that skipped it originally now buy the upgrade? Leave your thoughts below.

Box art for Resident Evil: Revelations








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jenny (guest) 22.01.2013#1

definitly gonna buy it, its the news i was waiting for since it first came out on 3ds....

... "Looking forward" huh CAPCOM. This company has just become one disappointment after another, lets not port the missing numerical titles to other current consoles, lets not remake RE2 like everyone wants, lets no create a new chapter in the franchise, no, lets port and remake an short handheld title which has limited content to begin with.

At the very least, the online play for this game is fun and might be nice on a bigger screen but if that was the case it would of been better off just being a new game or hell just release mercenaries as a download game.

I wonder if this is ONM's big game announcement then? Considering everyone else already knows about it now, you gotta wonder if ONM had something else up their sleeves all along.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This must have been easy as shit to port seeing how they used a mobile version of their standard Capcom engine anyway,,,  

Gotta love easy money, huh?

Won't be double dipping, already spent too much of my life on RERev3DS :p

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

A Twat (guest) said:
it's not a new game and Nintendo will probably class it as one in the Nintendo Direct tomorrow.

It is a new Wii U game though.

I still need to get Resi 6! Too many Resident Evil games! Arghhh! In all honesty i have become a little bored of the Resident Evil set up anyway, 5 was a little linear for my liking and i havent really found any others released since worth owning...

Great that it's heading to home consoles, but I'm being a bit selfish here in saying that I wish it were Wii U only - or at least a timed exclusive. Would have been a great Wii U / 3DS pair for this as a Nintendo-exclusive.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I guess at least there'll finally be a decent HD Resident Evil game.

welshwuff said:
... "Looking forward" huh CAPCOM. This company has just become one disappointment after another, lets not port the missing numerical titles to other current consoles, lets not remake RE2 like everyone wants, lets no create a new chapter in the franchise, no, lets port and remake an short handheld title which has limited content to begin with.

At the very least, the online play for this game is fun and might be nice on a bigger screen but if that was the case it would of been better off just being a new game or hell just release mercenaries as a download game.

...Did you just complain that they aren't moving forward by porting RE5&6 or remaking RE2?

To me this makes sense. The fan reaction to Revelations has been stronger than that of 6 and at least on par with RE5. The 3DS has only recently started to sell well, and this was a very early title, so few fans have had a chance to play it. I mean, a cash grab is a cash grab but if I didn't have a 3DS, I'd be way more excited for this than a remake of RE2 or a port of any other game in the series.

Also, Revelations took me longer to beat than RE5 did. It's not like this is a cheap, short minigame, it's as much a full-fledged title as 5 and 6 and even more of one than the Chronicles series games.

I probably won't buy this since I own it for 3DS. I probably will rent it though.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Hunk plus more characters for Raid mode! Was gonna rebuy it anyway but that bit of info has made it a definite O.o
Glad it's not just a standard hd port and their actually adding more stuff Smilie

( Edited 22.01.2013 19:23 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

nono i was pointing out a contradiction in a quote from an earlier quote about why their not porting 5-6, this sort of goes against their own words.

welshwuff said:
nono i was pointing out a contradiction in a quote from an earlier quote about why their not porting 5-6, this sort of goes against their own words.

Naw, they said they weren't gonna go revisit old games that are done and dusted. They obviously planned a port of RE:R for HD systems for a while now, and the WiiU version is in tow with that. The difference between this and RE5-6 is that RE5-6 are done and dusted, new developments wise.

Maybe if RE6 had a "Gold edition" somewhere down the line it'd be considered for WiiU, but I think Capcom's point were that they won't be going into their backlog for WiiU content. If that makes sense.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Mr Wrong (guest) 22.01.2013#13

Okay, then it's a new game. End of.

I'M WRONG, AS ALWAYS. I'll just not get involved any more with discussion.

Mr Wrong (guest) said:
Okay, then it's a new game. End of.

I'M WRONG, AS ALWAYS. I'll just not get involved any more with discussion.

Chill dude Smilie it's easy to see why you thought that and I was worried about it too.

But consider it like this, if 360 and PS3 owners got remastered ports and remakes as well as new games but WiiU only got new games, it'd be the WiiU that was missing out more than anything.
So really I think this is relieving news in many ways, even if it's not really a new game I'm sure the WiiU will get a proper new game from Capcom soon.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

i feel it important to mention Mr wrong is NOT me, i dunno who posted that so not sure if it carries on from what i was saying. :V

Any who, i cant help but feel this makes the 3ds feel alittle weaker as well, a console can only be as good as it's exclusives and believe it or not, i dont want to play mario games all the time, 3ds had this, now it doesnt.

( Edited 22.01.2013 21:15 by welshwuff )

welshwuff said:
i feel it important to mention Mr wrong is NOT me, i dunno who posted that so not sure if it carries on from what i was saying. :V

Any who, i cant help but feel this makes the 3ds feel alittle weaker as well, a console can only be as good as it's exclusives and believe it or not, i dont want to play mario games all the time, 3ds had this, now it doesnt.

3DS is getting MH4 and two new pokemon games this year, plus a new zelda is in the works. And it still has some good exclusives already out, like Kingdom Hearts, Devil Survivor (and another game in that series coming out for it), Kid Icarus etc.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

welshwuff said:
i feel it important to mention Mr wrong is NOT me, i dunno who posted that so not sure if it carries on from what i was saying. :V

Whoops :V well ty for clearing that up.

But yeah 3DS is looking to have a pretty strong year really!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I may rebuy this for the Wii U. Had a LOT of fun with the 3DS version and I would love to replay it again, with more stuff and in HD.

Maybe if I have a bit of money by the time this comes out, I'll buy it.

Same ole capcom rehashing the same old shit. Surprised they aint tried to bring Super street fighter 4 to wiiu but with all the costumes they charged ppl for. Calling it super street fighter 4 hyper Edition and charging £60

Supa_hyped said:

Same ole capcom rehashing the same old shit. Surprised they aint tried to bring Super street fighter 4 to wiiu but with all the costumes they charged ppl for. Calling it super street fighter 4 hyper Edition and charging £60

The reason their re releasing this on console is because not everybody wanted a 3ds and a vast majority wanted Revelations for consoles anyway. It's also not just a re release since their adding extra content to it as well.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Meh, I have RE, RE2, RE3, RE: Code Veronica. and RE4 on my PS3. All the best ones. Aside from one day playing the GC remake of the original again, I have no intention of playing modern RE games. They're shit. RE6 was so shit!

Martin_ said:
Meh, I have RE, RE2, RE3, RE: Code Veronica. and RE4 on my PS3. All the best ones. Aside from one day playing the GC remake of the original again, I have no intention of playing modern RE games. They're shit. RE6 was so shit!
RE: Revelations is the best Resident Evil game since RE4. True story.

Fair enough. I still won't be getting it unless I see it ridiculously cheap. I'm having a tough time resisting the Hitman HD Trilogy, at the moment!

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