Uncertainty Over Eternal Eden RPG for Nintendo 3DS; Vote in Our Poll to Show Your Interest

By Az Elias 28.01.2013 8

Uncertainty Over Eternal Eden RPG for Nintendo 3DS; Vote in Our Poll to Show Your Interest on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The prospect of Eternal Eden coming to Nintendo 3DS was brought up way back in 2010, when Canadian developer Blossomsoft Games announced it wanted to remake the Japanese RPG with a number of additional features on Nintendo's current portable system.

Eternal Eden was originally released in 2008 on PCs, and received a lot of praise from reviewers, with it being likened to such JRPG classics as Square's early Final Fantasy games and Chrono Trigger, and Nintendo adventure The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Now, Blossomsoft is working on a sequel to the game, Eternal Eden: Ecclesia, to be released on PC, Mac, iPad, and possibly Ouya.

Image for Uncertainty Over Eternal Eden RPG for Nintendo 3DS; Vote in Our Poll to Show Your Interest

With the original game focusing on shifting between two parallel worlds, the sequel concentrates on one world which is "constantly influenced by four powerful reality paradigms." Other features include a unique battle system that takes place on exploration maps and allows for interaction with the player's surroundings during fights; no random encounters; an Omni Level System that removes the need for grinding; and of course all the storyline twists and turns, puzzles and memorable soundtracks associated with Japanese-style role-playing games.

Image for Uncertainty Over Eternal Eden RPG for Nintendo 3DS; Vote in Our Poll to Show Your Interest

Blossomsoft's idea with Eternal Eden on 3DS was to reboot the game with full 3D environments and characters. Cut-scenes would be completely remade using high quality cinematics and voiceovers, with more features to be added. Perhaps the most exciting news came in the form of the team actually wanting to merge both Eternal Eden and its sequel, Eternal Eden: Ecclesia, into one full quest.

Image for Uncertainty Over Eternal Eden RPG for Nintendo 3DS; Vote in Our Poll to Show Your Interest

But after going so long without hearing any updates on the Nintendo 3DS version of Eternal Eden, Cubed3 decided to ask Blossomsoft directly on whether the game was still planned for the system. Here's what they had to say:

"I don't know at this point, the project didn't seem to captivate people at all. I will have to see what happen after EE:E is out."

So it sounds like it is up to Nintendo 3DS owners and role-playing fans to now make their voices heard if they want to see a 3D reboot of this unique and highly-praised RPG on the system.

For more information on the Eternal Eden games and Blossomsoft's projects, please visit the official website. A 5-hour long playable demo of the original Eternal Eden game on PC is even available for free, so you would do well to check it out.

Have your say in our poll. Would you like to see the 3D reboot of Eternal Eden released on Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Eternal Eden





Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

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Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Not surprising that it didn't seem to captivate people at all when this is the first time I heard of their 3DS idea and I check a lot of gaming websites for news. It's kinda hard to be interested in a game when you don't even know of its existence.

Our member of the week

Every time I read the words "inspired"(or in this case "likened") and "Chrono Trigger" in the same sentence, I think back to Black Sigil on Nintendo DS, and it's a painful memory. I hope this one is much better.

( Edited 28.01.2013 01:10 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

SirLink said:
Not surprising that it didn't seem to captivate people at all when this is the first time I heard of their 3DS idea and I check a lot of gaming websites for news. It's kinda hard to be interested in a game when you don't even know of its existence.

Yeah, I've never even heard about this until now................ but it looks awesome. So I'm all for it.

Our member of the week

Whatever happened  to Two Brothers for Wii U eShop by the way? That one looked interesting as well.

I wish Pier Solar would come to 3DS eShop, or the HD version to Wii U eShop...

With Eternal Eden, and these two, it's a good time to be a fan of retro RPGs Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Whatever happened  to Two Brothers for Wii U eShop by the way? That one looked interesting as well.

Will be shown at PAX East in March. Looking forward to it.

RudyC3 said:
Whatever happened  to Two Brothers for Wii U eShop by the way? That one looked interesting as well.

I wish Pier Solar would come to 3DS eShop, or the HD version to Wii U eShop...

With Eternal Eden, and these two, it's a good time to be a fan of retro RPGs Smilie.

And Pier Solar HD is coming to the Wii U eShop.

Oregano (guest) 28.01.2013#7

I was excited when this game was announced but then we never heard about it again! I'd definitely pick it up on 3DS! The question would be whether it was an eShop game or retail, retail would be a lot less likely to make it to Europe so I wouldn't be able to buy it anyway. Smilie

George (guest) 29.01.2013#8

The game looks interesting but I don't know if spending all that money on voice overs and cinematics is necessary. I happen to love the style in the screenshots already. Just stick it on the the eShop at an affordable price and put some of that money you saved on the voice work and what have you into promoting the game, because, much like Sir Link, I don't remember hearing about this at all.

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