Call of Duty: Black Ops II Wii U Update Has Issues

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.01.2013 4

Call of Duty: Black Ops II Wii U Update Has Issues on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest patch/update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has run into a handful of issues after hitting players.

The update went live earlier this week, promising to address issues and bring the Nintendo Wii U release "up to date" with its PS3 and Xbox 360 brothers. However despite undergoing testing/approval, the update needs to be fixed further by developer Treyarch and Nintendo - as confirmed by a post in the Call of Duty community.

We are noticing some issues with the version of the patch that was posted that you guys are also reporting here on the forums. We are working with Nintendo on a resolution to this problem and hope to know more at some point tomorrow. I will keep you posted as I receive more information.

We are aware that some of the menu listings from the 360′s Revolution DLC drop are showing up in the game. This is not a confirmation of DLC for the Wii U, just a versioning problem that we are working to address.

I do not want to publish the list of known fixes until I have confirmation that they are all live. I hope to be able to do this tomorrow, but as I mentioned, this is something we are working on with Nintendo, so the timeline isn't entirely in our hands.

A new Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 update should be available again shortly.

Box art for Call of Duty: Black Ops II





First Person Shooter



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Patch the patch. 

They said twice in their statement that they are working with Nintendo on this...but how much is Nintendo really involved in their terrible patch? I feel like they are mentioning Nintendo to try and shift the blame a little.

It passed Nintendo's testing procedure so they're partly to blame. All patches undergo tests.

Linkyshinks said:
It passed Nintendo's testing procedure so they're partly to blame. All patches undergo tests.
None of the mentioned "problems" occured in the European version. No sign of the Peacekeeper titles which those in the US have obtained and none of the other Revolution additions show up. I was talking to a couple of Americans about the patch, it seems weird that Europeans somehow got a different patch? Or something like that.

Either way, there's one issue I have so far which only occurs every now and then. Sometimes you'll get into your game and when you sprint, your gun will.. jitter twice, rather than once. When this happens, throwing grenades also gets fucked up and so does the knifing animation.

Hopefully it should be a quick fix though.

( Edited 31.01.2013 08:29 by Mush )

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