Teaser Site and First Details on AckkStudios' Earthbound-Inspired 3D RPG

By Az Elias 04.02.2013 4

Teaser Site and First Details on AckkStudios

AckkStudios, the independent developers working on the 2D role-playing adventure Two Brothers, has launched a teaser site and provided some new details on its other project - an Earthbound-inspired 3D RPG that will be heading to Wii U's eShop in due course.

With a working title of Project Y2K, AckkStudios says work started on the game before development of Two Brothers, but it was put on hold to complete the newer, smaller project. As Two Brothers nears completion, members of the team are slowly returning to Project Y2K, with about a third of the team now grafting away at it.

The storyline script has been finalised, and the graphics/gameplay engine is also completed, with the art style previously being stated to take influence from Earthbound and The World Ends with You. The first work-in-progress image of a character from Project Y2K has been published on the game's website.

Image for Teaser Site and First Details on AckkStudios

The teaser site also has one piece of music from the game, with the title "Viewing Earth from far away..."

Finally, AckkStudios mentions the reason for the working title of Project Y2K is because "the game will begin January 1st 1999 at 12:02am..."

[ul][li]Project Y2K teaser website

Box art for Project Y2K





Turn Based RPG



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Already excited for Two Brothers, can't wait to see some of this.

I'm really loving the music! I hope this song is an indicator at the atmosphere of the game! 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

I don't understand how this game is in any way related to or inspired by Earthbound. There is nothing on the teaser site that would indicate this. If that's anything beyond speculation, can someone please explain it to me? 

On a side note, Two Brothers looks incredibly intriguing. 

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Red XIII said:
I don't understand how this game is in any way related to or inspired by Earthbound. There is nothing on the teaser site that would indicate this. If that's anything beyond speculation, can someone please explain it to me? 

On a side note, Two Brothers looks incredibly intriguing. 

The developer has stated on numerous occasions that Earthbound is a big inspiration for this upcoming RPG of theirs. We're not just pulling that from the teaser site or concept art - it's come straight from their mouth on more than one occasion. I'm sure over time we'll begin to see that.

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