Maestro Begins Cosmic Highway Wii U Kickstarter

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.02.2013

Maestro Begins Cosmic Highway Wii U Kickstarter on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Indie studio Maestro Games has launched their Kickstarter campaign for upcoming Wii U project Cosmic Highway.

As part of the studio's upcoming Wii U games, one of titles needs additional funding to finish the unique music-lead racing game. Cosmic Highway is a racer that uses the backing music to indicate who's in the lead. For example the Cartoon Racer has a jazz theme whilst the Steampunk Racer has a more classical style.

The funds made from Kickstarter will be used to "complete the last 15 levels and finish development for the Wii U", with the project aiming to launch this Spring as a Wii U exclusive (for now).


What do you think of the Cosmic Highway concept? Will you be contributing to the Kickstarter?

Box art for Cosmic Highway



Notion Games





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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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