Minecraft Release for Wii U is Unlikely, PlayStation Possible

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.03.2013 9

Minecraft Release for Wii U is Unlikely, PlayStation Possible on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The massively popular Minecraft might be branching from PC and Xbox 360, but a Nintendo Wii U version is unlikely.

The open 3D world of blocks hasgrown from its indie roots to an award winning PC title and currently has an exclusivity deal for the Xbox 360 version. Speaking to Edge this week on the franchise and plans for expansion, lead designer Jens Bergensten confirmed that the studio are considering new platforms for Minecraft to explore once the Microsoft exclusivity deal ends.

When it runs out we'll consider Minecraft for PlayStation, but Wii U is very unlikely.

Are you a fan of Minecraft? Would you play a version made for Wii U?

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When it runs out we'll consider Minecraft for PlayStation, but Wii U is very unlikely.


Sonic_13 said:
When it runs out we'll consider Minecraft for PlayStation, but Wii U is very unlikely.


Yeah, I don't get why not... Wii U would be the BEST home console for Minecraft. Besides, I doubt the contract will end soon anyways...

My guess is userbase atm, but yeah I'd like to know why not too. It would work really well.

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SuperLink said:
My guess is userbase atm, but yeah I'd like to know why not too. It would work really well.

Well that's the problem right there, the user base for Nintendo players aren't even considered for devs who care more about $$$ than the artistic value of a game. Plus I doubt the PS players would be able to appreciate that game enough or even as much as Nintendo fans would. It's really a shame & Nintendo needs to be far more aggressive with getting third party support....& keeping it by FORCE if need be. The "User base" stigma won't change for Nintendo unless Nintendo does something to pull more user base AWAY from MS & Sony to have OUR voice heard.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Plus I doubt the PS players would be able to appreciate that game enough or even as much as Nintendo fans would.

You never cease to amaze me.

i hope it comes

wesley (guest) 13.05.2013#7

PUT ON WII U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

digndjguy (guest) 11.07.2013#8

I am a big fan of Minecraft, but i always stay alert of virus. I would love for it to be on the wii u, so I don't pay $300 for a Xbox. I think it would attract Minecraft fans to buy the one and only wii u. like i said i stay on the safe side, so I would pay some money to buy it. So I think you should vote retail release

This stinks, I was really hoping for a Wii-U version of the game , especally that local multiplayer would be better because one could use the tablet screen and the other can use the tv . I would purchase it yet again if it did come out for the Wii-U but if it was released on the PS3 i would not bother . I wonder if Terraria will ever make it to the Wii-U?

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