LEGO City Undercover Download Requires 22GB on Wii U eShop

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.03.2013 6

LEGO City Undercover Download Requires 22GB on Wii U eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Thinking of downloading LEGO City Undercover? Nintendo is warning potential buyers that the Wii U eShop edition requires an external hard-drive.

Whilst the Wii U Premium edition comes with 32GB storage, a fair bit is reserved for the operating system and updates. Most titles can squeeze onto the built in space, but some may have to be storage, and run, from an external USB drive.

The official website states that "an external hard drive is required to download this software" as reports suggest that the high-definition LEGO game requires around 22GB space.

For more be sure to read our LEGO City Undercover review.

Will you be downloading the digital version of LEGO City Undercover?

Box art for LEGO City Undercover








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Damn! Good thing I got the game disk. that is some crazy stuff right there.

All hail the Chain Chomp at GS FORUMS!

I know games are larger than 1.44 MB floppy disks these days and it'll only get larger, but sometimes I do have to wonder, especially on a hardware like Wii U, what exactly they are. I know it's highly detailed models and large textures, but sometimes I think it's just laziness on optimization. It's not like a PC where you have to accommodate for extreme upgraders who spend thousands per month on a future hardware.

( Edited 17.03.2013 16:10 by Powdered Water )

Powdered Water said:
I know games are larger than 1.44 MB floppy disks these days and it'll only get larger, but sometimes I do have to wonder, especially on a hardware like Wii U, what exactly they are. I know it's highly detailed models and large textures, but sometimes I think it's just laziness on optimization. It's not like a PC where you have to accommodate for extreme upgraders who spend thousands per month on a future hardware.

Most games last generation were just a couple of gigabytes - they could fit on single layer DVDs (up to 4.7 GB). Some of the larger games, especially later in the generation, used double layer DVDs (up to 9.4 GB). On rare occasions you would see a game that required multiple DVDs (or one blu-ray, up to 25 GB single layer / 50 GB double layer).

Wii U discs, although technically proprietary, are basically blu-ray discs with 25GB/50GB capacities.

Sonic, yeah I understand the physical media itself. My question revolved around what actually makes up 22GB for this game. Obvious answer would be movies, models and textures, but even then, did they even bother optimizing them a bit, I wondered.

i am grtting the disk verson

Laurelin as a (guest) 18.03.2013#6

Powdered Water said:
Sonic, yeah I understand the physical media itself. My question revolved around what actually makes up 22GB for this game. Obvious answer would be movies, models and textures, but even then, did they even bother optimizing them a bit, I wondered.

Remember: This is an open world game. So not only are textures to blame, videos, music or whatever, but the sheer size of the whole bazinga. 
Afaik Smash Brothers for Wii uses an 8 GB-disk (double layered game disk) and what's so big about SSB you may think. It just is. 
Believe me, Telltale did optimize it a great deal, it's just this big...

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