Shovel Knight Wii U, 3DS Meets More Stretch Goals

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.04.2013 2

Shovel Knight Wii U, 3DS Meets More Stretch Goals on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Upcoming Nintendo Wii U and 3DS indie project Shovel Knight has reached even more stretch goals.

The game, which will also be available on PC, continues to receive more backers with just three days to go (at time of writing). The initial goal was met last month and with the additional, optional goals, the game will now see the inclusion of a challenge mode, multiplayer, Gender Swap and much more.

Developer Yacht Club Games posted a question and answer on their blog outlining key aspects on the upcoming game. There'll be a light story, brief dialogue but the main focus on the action/platforming with a "6-8 hour experience" expected during the first run through, together with branching paths and multiple level options.

As the game progresses Shovel Knight's armour and equipment can be upgraded through found and bought items, with combined items teased by the studio.

For more on the project, be sure to visit the Kickstarter page for Shovel Knight.

Will you be digging up retro platforming in the upcoming Shovel Knight on Wii U and 3DS?

Box art for Shovel Knight

Yacht Club


Yacht Club


2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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I have to say I'm really looking forward to this game Smilie I'm being spoiled by all the clever indie projects lately! However I hope that Yacht and WayForward are still on good terms and everythin Smilie They're both great devs with awesome ideas, it'd suck if they split off due to some kind of fallout.

Will definitely be getting this on WiiU methinks.

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I was able to ask them some questions during their Destructoid stream. Why they left Wayforward was one of the questions. They said they left so they could work on their own ideas, not the licensed games Wayforward often has to work on.

Personally, Shovel Knight is one of the most interesting games I've seen recently. Very excited about Challenge Mode. Gender Swap is a neat idea also. Lots of creative ideas, and they seem to implement them well. I hope Shovel Knight does really well and Yacht Club does plenty more in the future.

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