Listen to the Complete Twilight Symphony - Legend of Zelda Album Online

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.04.2013 6

Listen to the Complete Twilight Symphony - Legend of Zelda Album Online on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Listen to over three and a half hours of Legend of Zelda music in the complete Twilight Symphony album online from a group of truly dedicated fans.

The Legend of Zelda is known to have a timeless, instantly recognisable score that blends together youthful energy, a sense of marching movement, grandiose adventure and ambient landscapes. Franchise composer Koji Kondo and his team, which has included Hajime Wakai, Asuka Ohta and Kenta Nagata, have forged an unforgettable soundtrack over twenty five years.
One of the most recent and ambitious steps was Twilight Princess, a critically acclaimed 2006 adventure on the Nintendo GameCube and Wii that incorporated a wide range of musical styles, concepts and familiar series staples. From the trotting Western range melodies to the more abstract Twilight compositions, the score has aged remarkably well.
A group of dedicated Legend of Zelda fans - which included musicians Wayne Strange, Time Stoney, and Eric Buchholz - came together to craft one of the finest fan-made musical tributes to the series; a three disc semi-orchestrated album that covers the story and environments in Twilight Princess. Entitled Twilight Symphony, and produced by Jeron Moore, the project spans 51 tracks and was released in physical disc form earlier this year.
From Link's first steps from his hometown of Ordon to wandering in a fog stained forest, tackling moblins in a frantic field battle to the calming waters of Lake Hylia, there's a story told without picture or dialogue, letting each note, chord and reverberation from the backing choir meld together to recapture key moments within the game. Taking Twilight Princess out of the equation, the album holds together as a complete journey from beginning to end. Despite being a combination of sampled/digital sounds and recordings of real instruments, there's a seamless blend and rich textural quality that at times surpasses the original midi arrangements.
However due to unforeseen circumstances the digital release, planned for iTunes and other download networks, was shelved at the end of March 2013 with the website going offline in June.

With the music remaining solely in the hands of the 500 now very limited edition physical CD copies, Cubed3 has been given permission to upload the entire album onto YouTube to keep the remarkable effort alive and most importantly heard by Legend of Zelda fans and newcomers alike.
So sit back, pop on a pair of headphones or good quality speakers and embrace over three and a half hours of aural love to Nintendo's timeless story.
It is with regret that Zelda Re-orchestrated (Z.R.E.O) is coming to an end, we wish the team and performers all the best of luck with future projects.

Watch the Twilight Symphony playlist on YouTube


Arranged by:
Wayne Strange, Tim Stoney, Eric Buchholz, Sam Ferrara, Nick Perrin, Braxton 'Skotein' Burks, Jake McCoy, Leonard Cheung, Alex Bornstein
Perfumed by:
Aubrey Ashburn, David Ramos, Marc Papeghin, Wayne Strange, Kyle Landry, Gabriel Vizcarra Carrasco, Jake McCoy, Tim Stoney, Michaela Nachtigall, Sea Flute, Jeff Ball, Diane Reynolds, Elin Carlson, Jenny Graham, Joanna Bushnell, Teri Koide Culbreath, Emily Gomez Benford, Jennifer Barnes, Karen Schnurr, Lisette Zamora, Branden James, Dan Rigall, Troy Quinn, David Loucks, Michael Passons, Tim Davis, Alvin Chea, James Hayden, Michael Geiger
Album art by Houston Hanna
What do you think of Twilight Symphony - what are your favourite tracks from the album?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess





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Its very tempting just to rip this all into mp3s. Would that be naughty? Are they still planning to sale at some point? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Its very tempting just to rip this all into mp3s. Would that be naughty? Are they still planning to sale at some point?

The Z.R.E.O team are pretty much dissolving, so no more copies would be sold. They're still taking donations but have publicly stated that they aren't object to people downloading or listening to it in other means. 

There are links/downloads available, but we're just steaming on YouTube.

Definitely want to see this project survive and needs to be heard, it's just pure epic from start to finish. Really amazing OST - wish it could have been sold through iTunes and perhaps even officially from Nintendo. Such a shame.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
sgotsch (guest) 16.04.2013#3

Its really great! Listening to it nonstop for about a week now. Smilie
You can download it for free without pirating btw.. But its hard to buy on CD. Smilie

Sweeeeeeeeet, this is awesome, especially since I'm replaying Twilight Princess right now!

Also, there's a funny error jb. It says "Perfumed by" instead of "Performed by" haha.

Ebay has physical CDs going fro around $200 US.. crazy. Even more insane if I had $200 to blow I probably would buy it.

GiantStuffedAnimals said:
Ebay has physical CDs going fro around $200 US.. crazy. Even more insane if I had $200 to blow I probably would buy it.

If the artists get nothing from that why pay that much? Thats just people exploiting the limited copys for profit.

These days for $200 you could get a dvd burner and a photoprinter for the cover Smilie

( Edited 22.04.2013 11:07 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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