Differences in Fire Emblem: Awakening US and Euro Script Point out Hair over Breasts

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.04.2013 8

Differences in Fire Emblem: Awakening US and Euro Script Point out Hair over Breasts on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite being in English, some of the localised dialogue in Fire Emblem: Awakening is a bit more riské over the pond.

As spotted by GoNintendo, some of the script in Awakening differs quite dramatically. In the North American version there's a comments about one of the female characters breasts, yet in the European edition the comments shifts to her hair instead.

It's not known if there are any other changes in the Fire Emblem: Awakening script yet however.

Image for Differences in Fire Emblem: Awakening US and Euro Script Point out Hair over Breasts

What do you think of the change in dialogue in the two versions of Fire Emblem: Awakening, is it really needed?

Box art for Fire Emblem: Awakening

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I expected this to be the other way around. Come on, this is Europe! We don't give a toss!

I was about to post the same as Az. Really would've expected the UK/EU to have the more riské version of this exchange... They're both phrased kinda awkwardly as hell, though :p

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I want to hear about boobs. Smilie

Pretty sure there's a few other differences as well between the two.

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My favourite type of boingy bits are the ones that are as white as snow and as soft as pillows.

In all seriousness, though. What the hell were the European translators thinking? Surely the game could keep the PEGI-12 rating, even with a comment like that being made.

Normally you guys dance circles around us when it comes to how prude we are, I'm surprised this isn't the other way around.

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Mush said:
In all seriousness, though. What the hell were the European translators thinking? Surely the game could keep the PEGI-12 rating, even with a comment like that being made.

Hyperdimension Neptunia was a 12 for cryin' out loud.

To be honest, I don't know if it's censorship or if the versions just have different English translations. I've heard the EU characters are less ott, maybe less tropey. I guess they just got English names sorted then let the individual localisation teams handle the rest or somethin'.

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I'm surprised given how perverted the humor is in the UK & even in Japan...wow & I thought us American's were up tight about inuendo humor.

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