Indie Project The Realm Developers Would Love to Tackle Nintendo Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.04.2013 2

Indie Project The Realm Developers Would Love to Tackle Nintendo Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The developers of indie project The Realm are keen to bring the project to Wii U and are quizzing fans on platform preference.

Set in a far distant future, the world isn't dominated by machines, but overgrown with strange plants and twisted vines. Humans remain in this time but are based in smaller communities woven with magic and mysticism.

Image for Indie Project The Realm Developers Would Love to Tackle Nintendo Wii U

The Realm puts you in the shoes of a young girl called Sarina who leaves the village to find a cure for her sick mother. She encounters a gentle stone golen named Toru, the pair become friends and set off on an adventure together but their presence awakens a dark force...

Players control both characters, each with their own set of strengths, solving environment-based puzzles and trying to evade deadly traps.

Developers Atomhawk Design & Lantern Interactive are setting their sights on the PC version but confirmed to Cubed3's Adam Riley that they would "love to see it on Wii U too - its a great platform for us, and if we could we would. I know Nintendo are making it much easier for Indie developers now so we'd explore this option."


The initial Kickstarter goal is £195,000 with stretch goal of £300,000 enabling additional platforms.

In order to guage interest on non-PC devices the group have put up a Survey. You know the drill, folks!

What do you think of The Realm concept? Would you like to see the game on Nintendo Wii U?

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Yes please! Looks a lot like the art style of the environments in Rayman legends. 

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<
A (guest) 28.04.2013#2

Wii U please please please

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