3D Classics Sonic the Hedgehog Spindashes to Nintendo 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.05.2013 8

3D Classics Sonic the Hedgehog Spindashes to Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA has announced a new addition to the 3D classics range on Nintendo 3DS, a 3D version of the original Sonic the Hedgehog.

The Genesis classic which brought a new level of platforming to the genre over two decades ago returns on the Nintendo 3DS eShop next week in Japan. At 600 Yen ($6/£3), the game will feature nifty 3D effects controlled by the slider. There'll be a wealth of customisation options too, including a spin sash toggle, stage select, controls, sound balance and even the ability to save anywhere.

The game's output will also feature both Japanese/English editions, plus normal or CRT mode for those wanting a precise graphical fix.

No Western release has been confirmed for 3D Sonic the Hedgehog yet.

Would you take on Doctor Robotnik and his robot chums in 3D Sonic the Hedgehog if released in your region?

Box art for Sonic the Hedgehog





2D Platformer



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Unfortunately it's also been confirmed that this version and the version currently in development for smartphones and consoles are indeed completely different ports.

While the 3DS version has spindash, don't expect it to have the remake treatment; remastered physics or true widescreen (and other new features) that the other version is getting. There's still a chance the other version will come to 3DS too but it's a slim one at this point.

Yes that's right, SEGA are making two separate ports of the same game at the same time. Efficiency? SEGA knows no such thing!

Either way, Sonic 1 could still look fantastic in stereoscopic 3D with all the scrolling backgrounds and stuff, and the other SEGA 3D Classics are definitely quality. If you're not too sore about 3DS getting the worse port of the two, this should still be one of the best versions of the game available.

( Edited 08.05.2013 13:33 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

How on earth could they make it not widescreen? If they are redoing it to add 3d, they are obviously rendering for the 3DSs screens....it would be more effort to have it cropped Smilie

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Darkflame said:
How on earth could they make it not widescreen? If they are redoing it to add 3d, they are obviously rendering for the 3DSs screens....it would be more effort to have it cropped Smilie

As far as I'm aware, they're making if fullscreen. Which is different.. I think it's being stretched or something.

I'm not too certain on the differences between widescreen and fullscreen, but basically I think it means that the 3DS version won't have a true wider view than the original. That's what people have reckoned anyway; maybe when the title is released that won't be the case.

( Edited 08.05.2013 13:58 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'd do a striptease in SEGA's offices if they release Sonic 1,2,3, Knuckles in 3D Classics. Though I['m not sure they'd like that, really.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Having 3D Classics versions of all the original MD Sonics would be killer.

I just wish SEGA would coordinate their efforts more. There's nothin' more annoying for a consumer than having to choose between two ports with different strengths Smilie I wanna try both, but I don't wanna buy both! Then I'd be part of the problem. If the smartphone remake came to 3DS with stereoscopic 3D, I'd be one happy Sonic fan.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

They just need to release a better version of the Sonic Classic Collection without the terrible frame rate and i'd be happy. Don't care for the 3D personally but add it on. 

I have been waiting an eternity for them to add Sonic 3 & Knuckles on iTunes. Why haven't they done it yet!!

Flynnie said:
I have been waiting an eternity for them to add Sonic 3 & Knuckles on iTunes. Why haven't they done it yet!!

SEGA are under the strange impression that the fandom love Sonic 1 and 2 so much that they regularly forget S3&K exists, when to the contrary the majority of the fandom hail S3&K as the greatest entry in the series.

It almost seems like SEGA are the ones who regularly forget S3&K exists, I honestly have no idea why.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Question is, will Sega release this outside of Japan? I remember another 3D classic of theirs not doing so. I think anyways.

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