E3 Wii U and 3DS Rumours Cause a Stir - Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy and more

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.05.2013 11

E3 Wii U and 3DS Rumours Cause a Stir - Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy and more on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With E3 Expo creeping up in a matter of weeks, rumour mills have exploded with potential new titles for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.

As with all rumours, these should certainly be taken with a pinch of salt. A fair few suggestions seem pretty out there, whilst others lean into the feasible territory.

The rumour creator pulling the strings is an IGN member who goes by the name "100-Year-Old-Gamer". Having posted a handful of rumours that turned out to be true in the past, he has returned to spill more beans on what could be in store for Nintendo fans at E3.

Remember, these are purely unconfirmed details with some practically a given:

Pokémon News

  • Pokemon X and Y and Pokemon Rumble U news expected with no other Pokémon games revealed.

Game Updates

  • Yoshi Wii U is said to be a late 2013/early 2014 title.
  • Games said to be at the E3 showfloor include: 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Pikmin 3, W101, X, Mario and Luigi: Dream Team.

Rumoured/Unconfirmed Games

  • Capcom supposedly working on a Resident Evil remake from their back catalogue.
  • Nintendo wanting to continue Picross on Nintendo 3DS.
  • New Star Fox title, said to be more like Lylat Wars, expected this generation.
  • Star Wars expected on Wii U as "Disney likes the Wii U so far".
  • Nintendo titles to use NFC - new IP from Nintendo.
  • New Animal Crossing expected, but "way off" for Wii U.
  • Nintendo tried to regain Banjo Kazooie but it didn't work.
  • A Final Fantasy remake is being developed for Wii U.
  • Games that will use dual GamePad controllers will be announced.

Legend of Zelda

  • New Legend of Zelda is said to feature a return for past races like the Gorons, Zoras plus new additional species to encounter.
  • The game is also venturing into more "RPG-like" territory without "going full out RPG", like Skyward Sword.

Hardware Revisions and Performance

  • Wii U periperhals expected this year (to connect to the GamePad). 
  • A New Nintendo Wii U is expected by the end of 2014 with more internal storage but Blu-ray is unknown.
  • A new Nintendo 3DS revision is expected, but not within the next two years.
  • Denies Wii U clock-speed increases.
  • Achievements and linked accounts said to be coming but "in a different way than anyone else does".
  • Nintendo working on trying to get more engines supported by Wii U.

Virtual Console Releases

  • Nintendo are expected to show and highlight classic GameCube titles heading to Virtual Console.
  • Online multiplayer for classic Virtual Console games isn't likely from Nintendo but "third parties will".
  • Plans to release classic titles, like Xenoblade Chronicles, on the Wii U eShop is likely at some point.

Retro Studios Wii U Project

  • The upcoming, untitled game from Retro Studios is said to be first-person, futuristic and "something everyone wants them to make".
  • Said to be working on a Donkey Kong track for Mario Kart Wii U.
Whilst some are more likely to be true than others, it's certainly worth digesting and thinking about for Nintendo's much anticipated E3 2013.

Which of these E3 Wii U and 3DS rumours do you think are true?

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Ooh, Final Fantasy remake? I know most will say 'VII!' but I'm thinking if S-E just follows on from the previous remakes and does FFV it'd be cool.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Wouldn't be surprised if pretty much all of this turned out to be true. Nothing too "out-there" and a lot of it based on things that Nintendo has said or things that can be inferred as likely (Retro working on DK track, new Wii U with more storage).

Definitely hoping for a new Star Fox game. Would love to see either the Star Fox game from Retro or something original (I'm on a Metroid Prime backlog so not looking for a new one right now though I certainly wouldn't complain).

Can't wait for E3!

EDIT: Just realized that E3 is less than one month away now!

( Edited 14.05.2013 17:59 by Sonic_13 )

That's a lot of rumors =p

Bucky (guest) 14.05.2013#4

I hope the rumors regarding GameCube games on the virtual console and classic titles on the Wii U eShop are true.

I sure hope there are more games to be shown of on the gamefloor that those. I am guessing WW HD would be there also at least. Personally I am mostly waiting for more on Bayonetta 2. Please show something!

Resident Evil remake AGIN? Well... Since the series is dead (pun intended) except from revelations maybe they should stick to remakes... Dunno. Don't think they can get it so tense as ZombiU anyway.

Star Fox U: Yes! Show it already!

Star Wars should be a given,...But EA?

Of course they couldn't get their hands on the Banjoo license. MS is holding on to that with all it's money.

FF6 remake please!

Zelda U, eh? Pffff.... I'll just wait and see.

Peripherals? Well if they do something for the gameplay in a GOOD way, I'm game.

Retro Studop: Metroid if this is true...Will be nice scanning with the pad though Smilie

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

Entity said:
I sure hope there are more games to be shown of on the gamefloor that those. I am guessing WW HD would be there also at least. Personally I am mostly waiting for more on Bayonetta 2. Please show something!

That's probably the biggest red flag for me. There's no way those are the only show floor games.

Resident Evil remake AGIN? Well... Since the series is dead (pun intended) except from revelations maybe they should stick to remakes... Dunno. Don't think they can get it so tense as ZombiU anyway.

Probably RE2. Fans have been wanting that for a long time.

Star Fox U: Yes! Show it already!

Zelda U, eh? Pffff.... I'll just wait and see.

It doesn't say that, it just says new Legend of Zelda. Most likely, he's referring to the 3DS game.

Peripherals? Well if they do something for the gameplay in a GOOD way, I'm game.

At the very least, they'll probably do a steering wheel attachment. In any case, I wonder if this has something to do with that weird port-looking thing on the bottom of the GamePad that doesn't seem to do anything.

Retro Studop: Metroid if this is true...Will be nice scanning with the pad though Smilie

It does sound like a possible return to Metroid Prime, or perhaps a first-person reboot of another Nintendo franchise.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

@ justonesp00lturn:

Yes... Those were VERY few games fot the showfloor. And seems to me they were not refering to 3DS Zelda... It just doesn't fit with what we saw last ND. But Zelda U at this E3 is so close to impossible I'll say it's impossible. And they better have something more than a freaking steering wheel. The pad itself is so big anyway Smilie 

And if it's a Sci-Fi game everyone wants, in 1st person and is made by Retro? It screams Metroid. Or any better ideas? I wouldn't mind if they made Star Fox either though.

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS

Hi guys, amended the article - those showfloor games are just part of the line-up. Wind Waker etc is a given methinks.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Hi guys, amended the article - those showfloor games are just part of the line-up. Wind Waker etc is a given methinks.

That's what I said too. WW is a given. But they should have WAY more even when they are not having a big event this E3. Wouldn't hurt with some surprise deals with 3rd parties either if you ask me (we already know about Bayonetta and TW 101).

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS
Kaihaku (guest) 19.05.2013#10

My first guess is that it's a remake of the original Crystal Chronicles. The Wii U is built around dual screen gaming, so it's a safe bet that this style of gameplay will be revisited on it.

Paladinrja (guest) 10.06.2013#11

Disney and Nintendo are fik. No chance EA will get away from having to put any SW game on the Wii U.

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