Listen to Samples of the Nintendo 64 Classic Banjo-Kazooie Symphony

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.05.2013 2

Listen to Samples of the Nintendo 64 Classic Banjo-Kazooie Symphony on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Synthetic Orchestra are taking on the Nintendo 64 classic Banjo-Kazooie in a new tribute album.

Aiming to stay faithful to the source material, composed by Grant Kirkhope, the album will be an hour long adventure through thirty classic tracks that have been re-orchstrated by hand using various software/sample libraries.

Samples and a current track-list can be found on the official Banjo-Kazooie Symphony website.

The album will be released on 31st May 2013 through both Loudr and iTunes for $10.


What do you think of the project, will you be buying the Banjo-Kazooie Symphony album?

Box art for Banjo-Kazooie





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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (18 Votes)

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After hearing the demo, I'm tempted. It sounds like what Rare originally intended, but was limited by the technology at the time.

I love this guy! I discovered him half a year ago and pretty much downloaded all of his Nintendo songs. Good stuff. He also has a good selection of Zelda songs.

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